ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 40 of 56
JMBS 2018, 3(6): 254–261
Medicine. Reviews

Ultrasound Evaluation of the State of Paravertebral Muscles in Conditions of Degenerative Diseases of the Spine

Radchenko V. O., Skidanov A. G., Kotulskiy I. V., Vishnyakov A. Ye., Yakovenko S. M., Molozhon A. S.

The article deals with the questions of ultrasound evaluation of the state of paravertebral muscles in conditions of degenerative diseases of the spine. It is known that neurological manifestations of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine belong to the most important problems of modern medicine. Degenerative diseases of the spine are found in adults of all age categories. It is realized by a stable high number of patients, not always satisfactory results of conservative and surgical treatment. More than half of the people of working age undergo episodes of sharp back pain during a lifetime. This determines the great medical and social importance of the problem of treatment of degenerative lesions of the spine and the search for risk factors for their occurrence. There is an opinion that coincides with ours that one of such risk factors for the development of degenerative diseases is structural and functional disorders of paravertebral muscles. Despite significant scientific research in this area, questions remain about mechanisms of muscular disorders that lead to degenerative diseases of the spine, the decisions of which, in our opinion, could help in forecasting the results of surgical treatment, as well as in developing an adequate individual recovery protocol conservative pre- and postoperative treatment. At present the number of substantiated non-invasive methods for life-long diagnostics of muscle structure, in particular in the lumbar spine, is not sufficient. Limited possibilities for studying paravertebral soft tissues from living individuals are pushed to find new ways to expand their knowledge in this area. The developed techniques of ultrasound (US) of soft tissues are known in the conditions of norm and pathology. The authors of these developments note that the method is very useful in the differential diagnosis of degenerative-dystrophic diseases, inflammatory processes, traumatic injuries and rarely requires additional research. It is known that changes in the muscles are accompanied by changes in the bone skeleton. Ultrasonographic-study of paravertebral muscles is usually performed in patients with chronic pain in the lumbar spine, sometimes – in the event of fractures of the vertebral bodies. Studying US-characteristics of structural changes in paravertebral muscles depending on age and sex, as well as different nosological variants of the course of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, would make it possible to more clearly understand the direction and stage of restoration of the function of affected muscles. Moreover, it will help develop criteria for evaluating the results of treatment for these categories of patients. As a result of the analysis of literary data, it was found out that the study of US parameters could be the key to understanding the nature and depth of the pathological process, which leads to muscle changes, and, accordingly, predict the level of rehabilitation potential of a particular patient. Therefore, further research is needed to better understand this problem.

Keywords: paravertebral muscles, ultrasonography, degenerative diseases of the spine, structural changes in muscles, echogenicity of muscles, ultrasound evaluation

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