ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 25 of 56
JMBS 2018, 3(6): 147–153
Clinical Medicine

Anthropometry and Bioimpedanceometry of Body Composition in Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Serik S. A., Tkachenko O. V., Ovcharenko L. I.

The recent studies established a close relationship of cardiovascular events, type 2 diabetes mellitus with visceral obesity. Anthropometric indices (body mass index, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, waist-to-height ratio) do not provide any opportunity to differentiate adipose tissue from muscle mass. The purpose of our study was to estimate the interrelation of obesity anthropometric markers with the accumulation of visceral fat determined by bioimpedanceometric method in patients with ischemic heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Material and methods. 99 male patients ((56.26±4.12) years old) with ischemic heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus were examined. The anthropometric indices (body mass index, waist and hip circumferences, waist-to-hip ratio, and waist-to-height ratio) were estimated. Total body fat, visceral fat and skeletal muscle mass were determined by the bioimpedanceometric method. Results and discussion. In the course of study we noticed that overweight patients and patients with I and II degree of obesity were characterized by the consecutive significant increase of both visceral fat and total body fat without any differences between these indices. Overweight patients had significantly elevated waist-to-height ratio. At the same time we determined the significant increase of waist circumference, hip circumference and waist-to-hip ratio only in obese patients in comparison with patients with normal body mass index. The multiple linear regression analysis revealed the visceral fat dependence only of waist-to-hip and waist-to-height ratios. Waist circumference and hip circumference depended significantly only on total body fat. The occurrence of waist-to-height ratio values exceeding the norm reached 100% in the second quartile of visceral fat values, which corresponded to the high level of visceral fat accumulation. The proportion of patients with obesity by the body mass index and waist circumference significantly increased only in the third and fourth quartiles of visceral fat values, which corresponded to a very high degree of visceral fat accumulation. The occurrence of waist-to-hip ratio values above the norm was almost the same in all 4 quartiles of visceral fat values. Conclusions. In male patients with ischemic heart disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus the increase waist-to-height ratio is interrelated mostly with the accumulation of visceral fat determined by the bioimpedanceometric method compared to the increase of body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference and waist-to-hip ratio.

Keywords: anthropometry, bioimpedanceometry, visceral fat, ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus

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