ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 15 of 61
JMBS 2018, 3(5): 77–80
Clinical Medicine

The Emotional Factor and its Significance in the Formation of Adaptatic Capabilities of the Organism to Intellectual Loads

Vashchuk M. A. 1, Shasna I. O. 1, Hloba N. S. 1, Hloba O. A. 2

The article deals with the acute problem of forming the emotional sphere in students of the sophomores of KhNMU in educational process. The study presents the results of the questionnaire, psycho-physiological testing, aimed at studying the peculiarities of adaptation to the students of primary courses. The notion of the dominant role of emotions can be seen as a motivational basis for human behavior. The inductive function is represented as motivation and cognitive mappings. The article presents the data analysis and assesses the emotional state of medical students during intellectual and psychological stresses. Based on the research, it is proposed to develop preventive measures to improve the learning process and time of leisure to ensure the adequacy of adaptation and maintaining a high level of health. The article is a fragment of scientific-research work “Peculiarities of integrative and vegetative functions in process of adaptation to intellectual, emotional and physical loads”, the state registration number is 0115U000239. Health has the greatest significance in our life and stays at the top of human needs. According to WHO, the state of health depends on 50% on life-style that includes also psychic health. The great importance for health has the emotional state of a person as the internal factor of urgent mobilization of an organism to adaptation in conditions of constant environmental changes. Such mobilization in human leads to improvement of both physical and intellectual capabilities, including attention, sensitivity analyzers, memory, etc. From our point of view, the biggest variability of emotional state is seen in young people, especially in students. It is caused by significant physical, psychic and emotional load in conditions of constant time deficiency that leads to changes of formation of organism’s adaptive reactions. Therefore, the purpose of current research was to analyze the emotional state in medical students in dynamics of intellectual and psychic loads caused by educational process. Material and methods included the survey among 150 KhNMU medical sophomores, 35% of them were young men and 65% - young women. The survey contained questions about general emotional state and vegetative reactions of an organism. Results and discussion. The research results showed, that main factors influencing formation of emotional state in medical students were time spent with relatives (80%), teacher’s mood (73%), appropriate knowledge evaluation (77%), professional teacher’s skills (93%), load of educational process (69%), unequal intellectual load during studying week, semester, year (87%), psychic state of surrounding people (63%), organization of free time (70%), conflicts in family (93%), disorders of regimen of work and rest, especially sleep (85%). The factors that caused positive emotions in student led to improvement of their intellectual working ability, which was proved by their results of test performed during the research. 93% of students with positive emotional state showed high level of attention concentration, 90% could finish the test in 50% of time limit, 99% - during the time limit. The opposite results were registered in people with negative emotional state. The changes concerned nor only intellectual, but also physical state of examined students, as in group of people with decreased emotional state the changes of cardiovascular and respiratory systems parameters were registered during the research, serving a proof of emotions influencing on intellectual and physical capabilities of human organism. Conclusions. A conclusion can be made about the significant influence of the organism emotional state on the processes of adaptation to intellectual loads that corresponds with changes of psychophysiological functions of students’ central nervous system. Invention of prevention methods for optimization of educational process and leisure would be significant for improvement of student’s performance and health.

Keywords: emotional state, intellectual load, adaptation, psychophysiological indicators, medical students

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