ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 41 of 61
JMBS 2018, 3(5): 209–213

Efficiency of the Use of the Treatment Complex in Young Patients with Crowded Teeth on the State of Periodontal Tissues in Long-Term Observation

Mandych A. V.

The prevalence of periodontal disease studies do not lose relevance for many decades, as they are often met among the young population and are multi-factorial. This is especially true for young people with abnormalites of the maxillodental system, therefore of particular clinical importance are studies relating to the choice of methods and means of prevention aimed at increasing the resistance of periodontal tissues in the treatment of such patients. The purpose of work is to study the efficiency of the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis in young patients with crowded teeth in long-term treatment period. Material and methods. The paper presents the data of clinical examination of 43 patients with crowded teeth on the background of chronic catarrhal gingivitis (main group) and 36 patients with combined dental pathology, where traditional methods were used in the treatment of gingivitis (control group). These patients were examined according to the developed therapeutic scheme after 12 months of previous examination. The evaluation of the treatment was carried out in 3, 6 and 12 months after treatment with periodontal (PMA, ICR) and hygienic (OHI–S, IEG) indices. The obtained results were worked out statistically. Results and discussion. It was found out that the values of paraclinical indices (PMA, ICR, OHI–S, IEG) in patients of the main group were characterized by more pronounced positive changes after 12 months of research. The normalization of periodontal tissues was achieved in 76.7 % of patients of the main group against 22.2 % of patients in the control group, which emphasizes the efficiency of the developed therapeutic scheme. Conclusions. The use of developed treatment and preventive scheme for the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis in patients with crowded teeth allowed to significantly improving the clinical status of patients, which was confirmed by the positive dynamics of data of periodontal and hygienic indices in the long-term observation. At the same time certain positive changes were observed in clinical and paraclinical manifestations only in the short term of observation in persons with traditional therapeutic measures for the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis.

Keywords: chronic catarrhal gingivitis, crowded teeth, hygienic state of oral cavity, paraclinical indices

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