ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 26 of 61
JMBS 2018, 3(5): 132–137
Clinical Medicine

The Dynamics of Biochemical Parameters in Patients with Climacteric Syndrome in the Background of Diabetes Mellitus Type II and under the Influence of Complex Therapy with the Use of Climact-hel and Mulimen

Pavlovskа M. O.

Climacterium is one of the most critical periods in the life of a woman. It is a natural biological process of transition from the woman’s reproductive period to old age, characterized by a gradual extinction of the ovaries function, a decrease in the level of estrogen, the termination of the menstrual and reproductive functions. Climacteric syndrome, which develops in conditions of estrogen deficiency, is accompanied by a complex of pathological symptoms that arise depending on the phase and duration of this period. For women with diabetes, an earlier onset of menopause is characterized by a more severe course of menopause than in women without endocrine pathology. Material and methods. It is necessary to find alternative methods of treatment that expand doctor’s capabilities and improve the patients’ quality of life. One of such areas is the bioregulation approach, which involves the use of regulatory action of ultra low doses of components of antihomotoxic drugs (AGP) on various pathogenetic mechanisms of diseases, including neurohormonal regulation of the female body. The results of clinical trials of using complex AGP show reduced treatment times, reduced number of side effects, positive effects on the course of concomitant diseases, the possibility of using it by menopausal women, as well as girls of puberty age, during pregnancy or breastfeeding. The complexity of AGP action avoids polypharmacy. In order to compare the effectiveness of complex treatment methods for climacteric syndrome in patients with concomitant type II diabetes, 65 patients aged 45-55 years with a climacteric syndrome on the background of type II diabetes mellitus were examined by biochemical parameters before and after complex therapy using antigomotoxicological drugs. Results and discussion. Analyzing the baseline data, it was found out that patients with perimenopause with concomitant endocrine pathology showed significant metabolic changes that were related to carbohydrate, lipid and mineral metabolism disorders. These changes are obviously related to hormonal rearrangement, characteristic of the menopause, and with concomitant diabetes type II. In the course of examining patients with climacteric syndrome and concomitant type II diabetes, we observed an increase in all studied biochemical parameters of blood before the completion of two courses of complex therapy. In assessing the dynamics of biochemical parameters after two treatment cycles, there was a tendency to decrease the norm in both treatment groups. However, in the group using antihomotoxic drugs, the indicators were closer to the normative indicators. The overall effectiveness of the baseline therapy for the climacteric syndrome was 44.8% of the women under study, with 41.4% of the patients having no objective improvement, and 13.8% of the patients had a slight deterioration in their well-being. Conclusions. The effectiveness of complex treatment with the use of antihomotoxic drugs was somewhat more successful. The general condition and biochemical parameters improved significantly in 63.9% from 36 patients who received comprehensive treatment, the general condition and indices did not change in 27.8%, and negative treatment outcomes were observed in 8.3% of the patients.

Keywords: climacteric syndrome, type II diabetes mellitus, antihomotoxicology

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