ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 5 of 45
JMBS 2018, 3(4): 28–31
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Interconnection of Comb Pictures of Fingers with Anthropometric Parameters of Females

Kozan N. M.

Comb pictures of fingers and dermatoglyphics of palms and feet of all phenotypic features are the most convenient for research because they are easily identified, subjected to classification and constant throughout their lives. Practice shows that during the study of corpses it is not always possible to obtain qualitative imprints of all areas of comb skin patterns and to study their numerous features. There is a need for forecasting of lost, but diagnostically significant parameters. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between the comb pictures of the fingers and toes with personal phenotypic features in representatives of different ethno-territorial and sexual groups. Material and methods. We studied the internal and external interrelations between the anthropometric and dermatogliphical parameters of fingers, received from 287 females aged 18-59 who lived in the Ivano-Frankivsk region and belonged to the Hutsul, Boyko, and Lemko ethnic groups, or did not identify themselves with any of them. Results and discussion. As a result of the processing of the input data, correlation matrices were obtained, in which the relationship between the anthropometric and dermatogliphical parameters was presented. It was found out that for Hutsul women, with an increase in the manifestation of the sign of LU, a large proportion of the probability should be expected to "increase" the palm length (that is, when the subject finds out a large number of these features, it is assumed that the palm length exceeds the average). Similarly, with a high value of the LU sign, it is fair to say that the height of the forehead and the bigonial width will be greater than the average in the group. For women with high level of reliability (p> 0.05), with an increase in the manifestation of the LW sign with a high probability, one should expect a "reduction" of the width of the biogonial and the average width of the face. Similarly, with the increase of the value of A, the assertion that the height of the forehead and the bigonial width will be greater than the average in the group and the circumference of the head is less. For women of Lemko group with a high level of certainty (p> 0.05) with an increase in the manifestation of the sign A with a large proportion of the probability one should expect an "increase" in the height of the forehead, signs LR – body length, palms, arms, head circumference, face and nose height, signs W – height of forehead and nose. Similarly, with a decrease in the value of A, we expect a decrease in the values of the length of the foot and the upper face width, W – zygomatic diameter. Using the Shapiro-Wilk’s criterion (W) and graphical analysis, the samples were checked for normal distribution. In parallel, the analysis was performed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov criterion. For all variables, the hypothesis about the normality of distribution was not rejected with a high level of statistical certainty, and the value of the Shapiro-Wilk criterion fluctuated within W = 0.90-0.97. Conclusions. As a result of the correlation analysis, we received data which revealed that women of Hutsul, Bojko and Lemko groups with high level of reliability (p>0.05) had positive and negative correlation between anthropometric and dermatological parameters of fingers.

Keywords: dermatoglyphics, anthropometric parameters, sexual affiliation

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