ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 28 of 45
JMBS 2018, 3(4): 145–148
Social medicine and organization of health care

Prospects for the Implementation of the Mental Health Protection System at the Primary Level

Kornatsky V. 1, Mikhal'chuk V. 2, Diachenko L. 2

The article deals with the analysis of legislation in the field of mental health at the level of primary health care. We have identified the peculiarities of mental health at the primary level of provision of medical care in the legislative field and worked out proposals for optimization of the implementation of medical care. Today, it is evidenced that issues concerning mental health are relevant, and therefore deserve serious attention and the most urgent needs to be solved at the state level. The purpose of the study was elucidation of the features of mental health at the primary level of provision of medical aid in the legislative field and elaboration of proposals for optimization of medical aid implementation algorithms. Methods: systematic, analytical. Results and discussion. Thus, as of January 1, 2017, 1673328 Ukrainian residents were registered due to mental and behavioral disorders, including 694928 as a result of alcohol and drug use disorders (or 3.9% of the population). In 2016, 182415 patients were admitted to psychiatric care institutions. They stayed on average 53.4 days in a hospital. By the end of 2016 in Ukraine, 261240 patients with mental disorders had a disability group, of which 8.5 per cent were children aged 0-17 years. In 2010, 1,983 patients were initially recognized as persons with disabilities due to mental disorders. The mortality rate of Ukraine's population from intentional self-harm in 2015 was 17.7 per 100 thousand of population. The primary, original document in the system of strategy development and the establishment of strategic plans is the concept. On December 27, 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decree № 1018-p approved the Concept for the Development of Mental Health in Ukraine for the period up to 2030 (hereinafter – the Concept), which defined: priorities and main directions of activity, model of achievement of goals. The concept outlined the main components of the problem in the field of mental health in Ukraine. Strategic directions of the Concept are aimed at creating a coherent and effective system of mental health, to establish its connection with the environment through the above-mentioned goals and attempts to achieve the desired state of interaction, which in turn will allow it to function effectively and effectively. It is these strategic goals, through the national consultation, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine discusses with the public. The result of the cooperation of policy makers in pursuance of paragraph 2 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Decree No. 1018-р "On Approval of the Concept for the Development of Mental Health in Ukraine until 2030" is the development of a Plan of Measures for the Development of Mental Health in Ukraine on the period until 2030 (hereinafter – the Plan of Measures). Conclusions and perspectives of further research. The consolidation at the legislative level of strategic documents in the field of mental health, such as the Concept and the Action Plan, is recognition that the state has realized the existence of this problem. Mental health services at the primary level deserve particular attention. These services are the first level of health care in the healthcare system. Presently, it is evident that these questions are relevant, deserve serious attention and need to be resolved at the state level.

Keywords: mental health, introduction, prevention

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