ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 6 of 45
JMBS 2018, 3(3): 30–33
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Clinical and Laboratory Assessment of the Effect on the Body of Rats of Biopolymer Based on Polylactide after Implantation in the Femur

Makarov V. B. 1, Morozenko D. V. 2,3, Leontieva F. S. 3

The article deals with the clinical and laboratory assessment of the effect on the body of rats of biopolymer based on polylactide after implantation in the femur. As is known, biopolymers based on polylactide are considered among the best due to their good biocompatibility and resorption characteristics. Polylactic acid by chemical structure is aliphatic polyester, which is most often used in biomedical engineering. This organic compound has a low allergenicity, low toxicity, high biocompatibility and the expected kinetics of degradation, and also does not affect the genome. Thus, the direction of studies of the toxic effect on the organism of experimental animal biopolymer based on polylactide after implantation can be considered relevant. The purpose of the study was to conduct clinical and laboratory evaluation of the effect of the biopolymer based on polylactide on the body of rats after implantation in the femur. Material and methods. During the experiment, rats were implanted with pins from L-polylactic acid to the femur. The experiment was carried out on 38 male rats, the animals’ age was 4.5 months. At each observation period, rats (n=7) were sampled for 15, 30, 90, 180 and 270 days after implantation. The control group of animals was comprised of intact rats (n = 3). The animals underwent general clinical (red blood cells, hemoglobin, leukocytes and leukogram) and biochemical blood tests. In the blood serum of rats, the activity of AlAT, AsAT and GGT, glucose, total protein, urea, creatinine and total bilirubin was investigated. After studying the hematological parameters, we established the absence of changes in erythrocytopoiesis. Results and discussion. During the whole period of observation, the leukogram also did not change, which indicates the absence of the systemic inflammatory reaction of the body to implantation already on the 15th day after implantation. According to the results of biochemical studies of blood serum, there was no evidence of a toxic reaction from the liver and kidneys to implantation: the activity of liver enzymes AlAT and AsAT, as well as total bilirubin at all times of observation did not differ from the control group of animals. The normal content of total protein indicates the absence of general intoxication of the body and destruction of tissues, and the level of glycaemia indicated the absence of a stressful reaction in rats’ organisms. Reduced creatinine content in the blood serum of animals on the 15th day of observation indicates a decrease in locomotor activity after surgery. Conclusions. Thus, the dynamics of hematological indicators in rats indicated the absence of the body systemic inflammatory response to the introduction of implants based on polylactide. The absence of increased activity of hepatic enzymes (AlAT and AsAT), the content of total bilirubin, urea and creatinine indicated the absence of toxic effects of polylactide implants on the functional state of the liver and kidneys.

Keywords: rats, biopolymers, polylactide, femur, implantation, leukogram, biochemical markers of blood

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