ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 33 of 45
JMBS 2018, 3(3): 184–187

Anaerobic Microflora and its Associative Connections in Different Biotopes of Oral Cavity in Young Patients with Crowded Teeth on the Background of Chronic Catarrhal Gingivitis

Mandych A. V.

The pathogenicity of bacteria in relation to periodontal tissues at the presence of maxillodental abnormalites is conditioned by the sharp increase of number of microorganisms and their specific composition that express their pathogenic effect in certain combinations. The article presents the results of study of anaerobic micro flora content on free surface of the tooth, interdental intervals and gingival furrows in patients with crowded teeth on the background of chronic catarrhal gingivitis (hereinafter – CCG). The purpose of the study is to research the frequency of anaerobic micro flora and the nature of their associative connections in different biotopes of oral cavity in patients with crowded teeth on the background of CCG. Materials and methods. The DNA polymerase methods of research for determination of the role of micro ecological disorders in patients with crowded teeth on the background of CCG were conducted. Using PCR-diagnostic we determined the presence of parodontopathogens in patients with crowded teeth on the background of CCG (main group) and in the examined patients with crowded teeth but without periodontal pathologies (comparison group). Results and discussion. Studying the microbiocenosis of free surface of the teeth it was noticed that in main group patients the frequency of Treponema denticola and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans determination was 1.9 and 1.2 times higher than in the comparison group. Investigating the frequency of detecting microorganisms in the interdental intervals, we found out that in the main group patients there was a sharp increase of bacteria in this biotope comparing to the data of patients with crowded teeth without periodontal pathology. The frequency of associations of parodontopathogens from gingival fissures in patients of the study groups showed that the main group patients had contaminations of two types of microorganisms 2.6 times more often than the comparison group patients. It was also noticed that this group patients had significantly higher frequency of anaerobic micro flora seeding in the biotopes of oral cavity and identification of their associations than the patients with crowded teeth without periodontal pathology. Conclusions. The obtained data revealed increased frequency of anaerobic micro flora seeding and the increase of its occurrence associative connections in young age patients with crowded teeth on the background of chronic catarrhal gingivitis. This fact intensifies and aggravates the inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues at the presence of maxillodental abnormalites. The prospects for further research can be connected with investigating the frequency and density of aerobic microorganisms’ colonization in the biotopes of oral cavity in patients with crowded teeth on the background of chronic catarrhal gingivitis.

Keywords: anaerobic micro flora, crowded teeth, chronic catarrhal gingivitis

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