ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 25 of 45
JMBS 2018, 3(3): 135–139
Fight against socially dangerous diseases

Modern Trends in HIV Epidemic in Chernihiv Region

Kulitska T. O. 1, Lysenko G. V. 1, Maliuta O. Y. 1, Tomylko O. A. 1, Masiuk L. A. 2

The issue of HIV/AIDS prevention is one of the priority directions of state policy in the spheres of health and social development. Moreover, it is the subject of Ukraine’s international commitments in the field of AIDS counteraction. Now Ukraine has no experience in complex evaluation of effectiveness of the regional programs of HIV/AIDS counteraction and their influence on the course of epidemic. As this area has a specific epidemic profile, we conducted the evaluation of tendencies of HIV/AIDS epidemic situation. The purpose of the work is to assess the trends of HIV/AIDS epidemic situation in Chernihiv region. Materials and methods. The approach to assessing regional HIV/AIDS preventive programs for 2009-2016 combines WHO recommendations, analysis of impact indicators, cascading analysis and conducted in desk research. To determine the trends of epidemiological indicators, the analysis and synthesis of data of gray surveillance, routine epidemiological surveillance, behavior monitoring and HIV prevalence among key population groups were performed based on the results of integrated bio-behavioral research, programmatic monitoring of the Alliance of Public Health (electronic SYREX database), forecasting the HIV / AIDS epidemic in SPECTRUM, special research for 2009-2016. The assessment of regional programs was carried out in cooperation with the public institution "Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" and the Alliance of Public Health ICF, with financial support from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Results and discussion. The complication of the epidemic situation with HIV occurs as a result of a joint effect of parenteral and sexual ways of pathogen transmission. AIDS epidemic is supported by HIV-infected people who inject drugs. Increasing the incidence of HIV infection by sexual intercourse may be due to the spread of HIV among sexual partners with HIV. The HIV epidemic is gradually spreading to rural areas. In the age structure of HIV-infected person, there has been a tendency to increase the proportion of people over the age of 30. During 2012-2014 there was a decrease in the rate of HIV incidence, and in 2015-2016 there occurred the reduction in the incidence of HIV. There is a positive trend towards reducing the prevalence of HIV among pregnant women and donors. The coverage of HIV-positive people in the region remains insufficient. The proportion of people who came to health care institutions to get medical supervision in the IIIrd - IVth clinical stages of HIV is increasing. Conclusion. The result of the late addressing of HIV-positive people to health care institutions is in HIV/AIDS incidence increasing in the region. There is a rise in the mortality rate from HIV/AIDS and from co-infections.

Keywords: HIV, AIDS

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