ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 36 of 48
JMBS 2018, 3(2): 208–216
Medicine. Reviews

Studying the Main Issues of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy (Review of Literature)

Pustovoyt A. L., Yarmola T. I., Talash V. V., Tkachenko L. A., Kostrikova U. A.

The authors carried out a general analysis of literature data on the problem of contrast-induced nephropathy. On modern presentations pre-procedural methods of prophylaxis contrast-induced nephropathy must include: Abolition of nephrotoxic preparations a 3 twenty-four hours prior to procedure. Application of contrasting preparation of izo- or hypoosmolary is with a calculation minimum of effective volume of preparation. Materials and Methods. We carried out determination of kreatinine, urea, electrolytes 3-4 twenty-four hours prior to and during 48-72 hours after an inspection. Hydratation of 0,9% of NaCl or 4% bicarbonate of natrium intravenous 1 ml/kg/hour during 6-12 hours before procedure and during 12-24 hours after it. Setting of N- of acetylcystein is 600 mgs (1200 mgs – at chronic illness of kidneys and diabetes mellitus) perorally 2 times on twenty-four hours, before procedure and in the day of procedure or 150 mg/kg intravenous during 5 hour it is recommended to use low or izoosmolary X-ray contrast facilities of the last generations and, at possibility, to use necessary doses minimum. Results and Discussion. Thus, contrast-induced sharp damage of kidneys is serious, prognostic unfavorable complication undertaking an X-ray contrast study, however is prognostic enough disease. During the determination of stratification severity of acute kidney injury it is necessary to take into account the initial level of kidneys functional ability. In the category of highest risk for contrast-induced nephropathy get patients with kidney disease have elevated levels of serum creatinine, as well as people with diabetes mellitus, especially in the elderly. In most cases, an X-ray contrast test is a planned procedure and the clinical significance of the kidney damage problem can be minimized in identifying patients at risk, assessing the risk / benefit in choosing the most informative and safe research method, correcting the risk factors, provided to modification and implementation of preventive measures.

Keywords: X-ray contrast preparations, contrast-induced nephropathy, acute renal damage, risk factors

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