ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 2 of 48
JMBS 2018, 3(2): 12–15
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

The Content of TBA Products in the Blood Serum of Rats for Evaluation of the Antioxidant Defense of the Body by the Liposomal Drug Lioliv after the Application of Оxaliplatin

Barder E. G. , Dudnichenko A. S.

The article considers the question of determining the content of TBA products in the blood serum of rats after the use of the antitumor cytotoxic Oxaliplatin and the liposomal preparation Lioliv at different observation times for assessing the degree of intoxication. Materials and Methods. The study was performed on white rats (n = 40), females, age 2.5-3 months, body weight 220-250 g. Three experimental groups of rats (10 animals each) were formed, control groups – two groups, 5 rats in each. The rats of the control groups were injected with physiological saline, rats and Oxaliplatin groups, group II – first Lioliv, then Oxaliplatinum, group III – Oxaliplatin first, then Lioliv. Administration of Oxaliplatinum was performed to rats intraperitoneally at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg, Lioliv – 0.3 ml per rat intravenously, isotonic sodium chloride solution – 0.3 ml intravenously. The administration of the drugs was carried out 5 times every 3 day of the experiment. The duration of the experiment was 21 days. Results and Discussion. When analyzing the results of biochemical studies on the 15th day of the experiment, it was found out that the content of TBA products increased 2.8 times in comparison with the control group of animals. The content of TBA products (malonic dialdehyde) in the blood serum of the rats of the second group did not increase. In the third group, the content of TBA products was 1.9 times higher than in the control group. On the 21st day of the experiment, the content of TBA products in the blood serum increased 3.2 times in comparison with the control group, in the second group it did not change, in the third group it was doubled in comparison with the control group. Thus, in animals of the first group, the content of TBA products was increased by 15 and 21 days compared to the control group. In the second group of animals, the content of TBA products was the lowest in contrast to other experimental groups, and on the 21st day the index did not differ from the control group. In the third group, on days 15 and 21, the content of TBA products in the blood serum of rats was less than in the first, but remained elevated compared to the control group. It is known that a high content of TBA products in the serum indicates a severe endogenous intoxication due to the toxic effect on the body of malonic dialdehyde, the main product of lipid peroxidation. The growth of TBC products in the blood indicates the activation of free radical processes, which is associated with the destabilization of cell membranes and the reduction of antioxidant protection of cells. Conclusions. Thus, the gradual decrease of TBA level in the blood serum indicates a decrease in the body's intoxication in the second group as a result of the cytoprotective action of the liposomal drug Lioliv and the restoration of the metabolism of hepatocytes. The study results make using this drug as a drug of choice possible to protect liver cells from damage during chemotherapy by an oncological patient.

Keywords: rats, TBА-products, malonic dialdehyde, hepatoprotectors, Оxaliplatin, Lioliv

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