ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 18 of 48
JMBS 2018, 3(2): 101–106
Clinical Medicine

Metabolic Syndrome Components Significance in Patients Aged 61-80

Mustafayeva A. G.

The purpose of this work was to identify the main signs of metabolic syndrome and their weight coefficients in patients of the age group of 61-80. We examined patients with metabolic syndrome with five group of symptoms: ‘Combined’ – 16,4%, ‘Ischemic’ – 9,4%, ‘Hemodynamic’ – 5.9%, ‘Carbohydrate metabolism (Diabetic)’ – 5.0% and ‘Morpho-functional changes (Remodeling)’ – 4.1%. Materials and methods. 129 patients aged 61-80 with newly diagnosed Metabolic Syndrome (MS) were prospectively examined (74 men and 55 women). The fate of all prospectively examined patients was tracked for 5-7 years. To study the age-related features of MS course, selected patients with MS performed a questionnaire according to a specially developed scheme. The questionnaire included several parts: complaints, family history, (diabetes, ischemic heart disease or other atherosclerotic vascular disease at a young age – under 55 for men and 65 – for women), a personal history of diabetes, ischemic heart disease, or other atherosclerotic vascular disease, lifestyle characteristics. The latter included a high-calorie diet rich in saturated fats and cholesterol, smoking, alcohol abuse, low level of physical activity, level of education, social status, personal characteristics of patients. The physiological and biochemical characteristics describing the components of MS were studied: the body mass index (BMI), the presence of abdominal obesity, the level of arterial pressure, the signs of dis- and hyperlipidemia – the level of triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, signs of impaired glucose tolerance. Results and discussion. Analysis of different signs of MS in the age group 61-80 revealed the presence of five main factors. The first factor explaining the 16.4% change in the variance of the calculated system is called the symptom complex "Combined". It included the main features of MS with relatively high weights. They include the violation of carbohydrate metabolism – fasting glucose (0.43), impaired glucose tolerance (0.48), insulin resistance (0.51), insulin (0.41). The hemodynamic changes were characterized by the pulse of the day (0.65), the pulse of the night (0.66), diurnal index (0.57), chronotropic reserve (0.51), systolic blood pressure at rest (0.59), arterial pressure diastolic with load (0.50), and diastolic arterial pressure at rest (0.44). In this symptom complex there were indicators of hormonal disorders: thyroid stimulating hormone (0.56) and cortisol (0.48) and coagulation properties of blood: prothrombin index (40) and activated partial thromboplastin time (0.44). In this group, an important place was occupied by the indices of the autonomic nervous system: VLF (0.49), LF (0.54), HF (0.39), SDNN (0.52). The metabolic disturbances are reflected in the values of total cholesterol (0.48), homocysteine (0.51), MAU (0.48), urea (0.58) and uric acid (0.54). Disorders of vascular patency were characterized by changes in blood flow velocity in the vessels of the neck – common carotid artery in systole (0.48), internal carotid artery in diastole (0.44), internal carotid artery in systole (0.39) and the common carotid artery in the diadem (0.43). Conclusions. Such a wide involvement of many symptoms in this symptom complex, observed mainly in this age group, indicates the severity and polysyndromicity of MS course in patients of the older age group. The rest of the group symptoms are inferior to the first form of the disease. These groups of signs – "Ischemic", "Hemodynamic", "Diabetic" and "Remodeling" made a smaller contribution to the nature of metabolic syndrome.

Keywords: metabolic syndrome, factors of metabolic syndrome, complex of symptoms, insulin resistance

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