ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 12 of 49
JMBS 2018, 3(1): 59–64
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Gas-Discharge Glow of the Blood Serum of Patients with Iron Deficiency Anemia with Different Iron Medicines

Pesotskaya L. A. 1, Pisarevskaya O. V. 1, Lakiza T. V. 1, Nikonenko V. A. 2, Oprjatnaya T. O. 2

Prescribing any drug, including iron for iron deficiency anemia patient is the best decision in current therapeutic practice. Existing methods of selection of drugs does not take into account the biophysical and energetic processes, field interactions of blood components with the human body. The method, which visualizes the energy flows of the biological object, is the registration of gas discharge glow around it in the field of high voltage, which is known as the Kirlian effect. The purpose of the study was to examine surface-bit of interaction in the serum of patients with iron deficiency anemia by adding to it dosage forms of iron in comparison with the experimental results of the effect of the drug on the suspension of erythrocytes. We photographed 30 drops of each sample and scanned them for subsequent computer processing. We also built the histogram of the brightness of the samples, calculated their medians for each of the 7 sub-bands of the graph. After that we calculated difference of the median brightness of the glow discharge previous and next sub-bands and their attitude. The next step was to analyze the parameters of the histogram of the brightness of the Ro film control serum samples blood and serum samples with the addition of the 4 iron medicines in two patients. According to the obtained results we established the criteria for the effectiveness of the drug of iron in IDA for each patient. Both patients turned out to be the optimal drug ferrous fumarate iron mineral. We revealed certain differences between the serum samples in the control and different iron drugs. In particular, the sample of serum geminorum, unlike others, had a dramatic decrease in the change in the brightness. This indicates higher contrast of the pattern image, which underlines the greater energy of the object. On the contrary, in the control sample and the serum sample with iron sulfate by sorbetero there is a growth of parameter changes. The brightness of gas discharge luminescence reflects the extension of the corona discharges with a decrease in contrast-energy. The chart indicators serum samples with geminorum and sorbetero account for more than half of the rate control, in contrast to samples with globarena and megatherium. The latter drugs did not change the power of natural energy-field of the patient's blood. That is, the last iron supplementation will not have a stable treatment effect for these patients. The experimentally observed complete hemolysis in the samples of erythrocytes with these medicines was in contrast to erythrocytes with geminorum. Studies showed mixed surface-discharge phenomena in high voltage field in the sera of patients waiting for you add to it the various medicines of iron. To assess the impact of iron medicines on the biofield of the patient's blood in the analysis of the photograms it is necessary to analyze attitude change in the brightness of the samples in comparison with control, as well as their severity. According to the results of blood serum kirlianograms we found them comparable with experimental morphological data of red blood cells. The obtained results have practical significance and need to be further researched for the optimal choice of iron medicines in IDA.

Keywords: Kirlian photography, as-discharge glow, blood serum, iron medicines

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