ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 10 of 22
JMBS 2017, 2(7): 53–59
Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Estimation Control Criteria of the Power Loads Adequacy to the Functional Abilities of People with Different Training Levels Going in for Power Fitness

Titova A. V., Bodnar A. I., Kurasa H. O., Konoplianyk O. V., Abramov K. V.

This article presents the results of studying the problem of the lack of informative criteria for estimating the amount of training loads, the mechanisms for their correction, and markers for controlling compensatory or adaptive reactions of the human body to a stress stimulus, which also includes intensive training in power fitness. The study comprised 20 athletes aged 19-20, systematically engaged in power fitness during three years, as well as 40 almost healthy young men of similar age who do not have contradictions for power fitness training. We described methods of determining the amount of physical activity (% of max) for young men different in the level of fitness, which will positively influence the efficiency of the training process without manifesting pathophysiological changes in the body. The obtained results reflect the fact that, on the one hand, there is a higher level of adaptive and compensatory abilities in athletes’ bodies comparing with untrained persons, and on the other hand, their dependence on external factors (magnitude of the total load index and the conditions for performing motor activity). In general, despite the quantitative changes in the enzyme studied before and after the load, the LDH content in blood of all three groups’ representatives remains within the physiologically acceptable norm. This fact indicates the adequacy of the given physical loads to the functional abilities of both athletes’ and untrained young men’ bodies. As a result of the research it was established that the physical load regimes proposed by us, in which the weight is 70-80% of the single maximum force, are adequate for both experienced athletes and untrained persons. It was revealed that moderate physical activity does not practically influence the level of LDH in the blood serum of untrained young men, at the same time contributes to a significant decrease of enzymes in athletes.

Keywords: lactate dehydrogenase, physical loads, fitness, functionality

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