ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 5 of 22
JMBS 2017, 2(7): 27–30
Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Individual-Typological Characteristics of Young Dancers with Different Success Levels

Korobeynikov G. V. 1, Myshko V. V. 2, Chernozub А. А. 3

The research concerns the study of young dancers’ individual-typological characteristics, their influence on real functioning of nervous system, and hereditary factors. Manifestation of individual-typological characteristics of nervous system indicates the possibilities of athletes to withstand of significant of physical, psychological, intellectual, volitional and emotional load which is related with peculiarities of sport activity and has no consequences for health state. Sport dancing is described by the level of manifestation individual-typological characteristics of nervous system during dancing activities. We believe that individual-typological characteristics of nervous system are interrelated with the success of dancing sport activity. The purpose of the article was to determine the peculiarities of relation between young dancers’ individual-typological characteristics of nervous system and their level of success. Methods and materials. We tested young dancers to determine their success level. Young dancers had to fulfill five special exercises related with the assimilation level of skills in technical mastery and choreography preparation. The following methods were used to conduct the research on individual-typological characteristics: functional mobility and balance of nervous process, time of simple visual-motor reaction and tepping-test. All of the methods include computer psycho-diagnostics system «Multipsychometer - 05». 32 qualified athletes who engaged in sport dances aged 15-16 were examined. All athletes were estimated by five criteria of success then divided into two groups: high and low success. Results and discussion. As a result of research we revealed that high capacity and low anxiety in dancers with high level of success were accompanied by increasing activity of sympathy-adrenal system and mobilization of organism’s adaptation resources. The success in sport dancing is interrelated with high labiality of nervous process, increasing of informational processing speed, and low psycho-emotional tension. It was also proved that success in sport dancing is related with manifestation of nervous processes balance. At the same time the observed young dancers promote to more organization and concentration during the psychomotor skills reproduction, and nervous process labiality redaction. Further research should be connected with introducing the obtained results into the training process of young dancers.

Keywords: individual-typological characteristics, young dancer, success in sport dancing

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