ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 10 of 39
JMBS 2017, 2(6): 46–49
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

A.viridans Autosymbionts Influence on the Piglets’ Health

Stepansky D.

Nowadays the use of personificated treatment with autostrains of probiotic bacteria becomes more and more popular. One of the most perspective microorganisms that can be used as a basis for creation of such therapy is A.viridans. It is an ubiquitarious microorganism with broad-spectrum antagonistic action. An extensive experience with A.viridans use for the correction of various pathological conditions has been obtained. The purpose of the study was to examine the impact of A.viridans autosymbiont on health indicators of piglets. The task of evaluating the effect of autosimbiotic A.viridans on the physiological state, infection rates, livestock preservation, body weight gain and the state of normal intestinal microflora in piglets was set according to the aim. Materials and Methods. Autosymbionic aerococcus isolation from piglets’ faeces was administered once a day using 2 ml dispenser (1*106 colony forming units CFU/ml) to 50 piglets, other 50 piglets were in control group. The duration of study was 28 days. The evaluation of the autosimbiotic A.viridans effectiveness was carried out according to the following criteria: presence of diarrhea, death of young pigs, piglets’ weight, and intestinal microbiocenosis state of animals. Obtained results indicated that autosimbiotic A.viridans in the amount of up to 103 CFU / gram were allocated from feces of all animals. When autosimbiotic aerococci were administered, the animal's condition was in line with normal, and no pathological changes in behavior were observed. A.viridans had good impact on normal microflora and antagonistic action on opportunistic microflora of intestine. The regulatory role of the Aerococcus genus microorganisms in the intestinal microbiocenosis of piglets was indicated. The health rates of piglets, namely, cases of diarrhea and lethality were better in the experimental group compared with control group. Thus, diarrhea was present in 14% of cases less in the group of animals receiving autosimbiotic A.viridans than in the control (p<0.05). There was a zero mortality in the experimental group, whereas there were 7 (14%) cases of mortality (p<0.05) in control. The rates such as weight and weight gain were slightly higher (27 and 9 gr more) in experimental group compared to control group (p>0,05). Thus, it is shown that A.viridans can be found in the intestines of piglets and it is a component of the normal microflora which has a positive impact on the normal microflora state and antagonistic effect against pathogenic intestinal flora of piglets. The use of autosimbiotic A.viridans in a dose of 1*106 CFU/ml significantly reduced the number of diarrheas and lethal effects in piglets.

Keywords: autosymbionts, Aerococcus viridans, normal microflora

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