ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 6 of 41
JMBS 2017, 2(5): 30–32
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Membranes Biocompatibility in Dialysic Therapy

Kazantseva I., Bespalova O.

The purpose of the study was to analyze the biocompatibility of polymer dialysis membranes and their effect on the patient's hemostasis system. Alfatocopherol application to a polymeric membrane of polysulfone was suggested with the aim to increase the biocompatibility of synthetic hemodialysis membranes. It is also an antioxidant so, as a result, reduces the risk of complications after hemodialysis. Materials and methods. Polymeric heterogeneous membranes. Results and discussion. When developing an artificial kidney apparatus, the main value was given to the creation of a new membrane that selectively extracts from the blood exhaust substances. Membranes for hemodialysis should provide high clearance (high degree of purification) and high permeability; this will reduce the duration of the hemodialysis session and improve the quality of cleaning. Biocompatibility was also very important parameter for hemodialysis membranes. Biocompatibility can be define as an absence of pathological reaction when blood contact with biomaterials of the extracorporeal circulatory circuit and components of dialysis solution. This characteristic is very important, since high biocompatibility avoids a large number of side effects and complications that occur during hemodialysis. Cellulose membranes cause complement activation, sequestering white blood cells, gipoxemia and granulocytopenia for about 15 minutes after the first blood contact with the membrane. The use of synthetic membranes from kuprofan more often causes hypersensitivity reactions. Moreover, in 90% of patients, blood contact with the kuprofan membrane leads to a drop in blood oxygen saturation. In most patients this hypoxia is asymptomatic, but with already existing cardio-pulmonary disorders (violation of ventilation / perfusion) such dialysis hypoxia can lead to further deterioration of the patient's condition. Severe allergic reactions are described with the use of the PAN membrane (polyacrylonitrile) and concomitant administration of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors. This is due to an increase in the level of bradykinin, which normally deactivates ACE. Conclusion. The modern market of dialyzers provides the possibility of a wide choice of membrane. Based on the requirements of biocompatibility and increasing the hemodialysis procedure effectiveness, an individual approach to membrane selection for each patient should be used. The application of alfatcoferol on a synthetic hemodialysis membrane from polysulfide will increase the biocompatibility of the material.

Keywords: hemodialysis, dialysis membranes, biocompatibility

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