ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 28 of 41
JMBS 2017, 2(5): 137–140
Social medicine and organization of health care

Comparative Analysis of Risk Factors in Men and Women of a Labor Age with Hypertension Disease

Lashkul Z. V., Kurochka V. L., Bibik I. G., Chemirisov V. V., Avramenko V. S.

Hypertensive disease deserves priority attention not only from a medico-social point of view, but also based on real possibilities of influencing it. At the regional and local levels, a detailed analysis is needed, including the health status of the population and the causes of health inequalities among various population groups, in particular hypertension, which in the structure of all diseases of the circulatory system is up to 48%. One of the actual problems is the establishment of factors that affect the formation of a certain level of compliance. At present, a number of complex theoretical and practical issues related to the compliance of patients with essential hypertension remain unresolved, namely: the dominant types of compliance are not defined. Moreover, there are no systematized ideas about the patterns of its formation and the basic psychological factors affecting its functioning are not identified. The purpose of the study is theoretical and comparative analysis of risk factors in men and women of working age with hypertensive disease. Object and methods of research: a system for preventing arterial hypertension in the able-bodied population. In the course of the research, the following methods were used: statistical, expert assessments, questioning, sociological. For the purpose of research we made up a questionnaire for 20 questions at the Department of Social Medicine, organization and management of public health services and medical and social expertise. The study was subjected to the answers of 290 respondents (men and women of working age). Among them were 169 men and 121 women suffering from hypertension. Among the risk factors that affect morbidity and mortality from hypertension, according to the opinion of male respondents, smoking (56.2%), food with a high content of animal fats (42.0%), sedentary lifestyle (34, 3 %), insomnia (31.9%), overweight (30.2%), excessive alcohol consumption (29.6%), stresses (29.2%). Female respondents noted the following risk factors that affect morbidity and mortality from hypertension: sedentary lifestyle (58.7%), overweight (36.7%), foods high in animal fat (29.7%), insomnia (15.7%), stress (9.9%), excessive alcohol consumption (7.4%), and smoking (3.3%). After the prescription of the disease, the period of 5-10 years for men (20.1%) was the longest, while for women (28.9%) it was 20 years. Over the past year, 44.9% of men and 54.6% of women had temporary disability due to hypertension. 70.4% of male respondents and 77.7% of female respondents responded positively to the timeliness of the diagnosis, while the diagnosis of hypertension was first established in outpatient settings in 66.9% of men and in 69.4% of women. They constantly take antihypertensive drugs 42.0% of men and 33.1% of women, only 18.9% of men and 9.1% of women regularly undergo medical examination, and in full 10.1% and 9.1% respectively. The study and analysis of the factors leading to the emergence of hypertension have shown that in order to prevent and reduce the incidence of diseases it is necessary to develop a system of measures aimed at improving the organization of the system for the prevention of hypertension and encouraging patients to fulfill the doctor's recommendations and their propensity to treat.

Keywords: analysis, risk factors, men, women, working age, hypertension

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