ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 21 of 41
JMBS 2017, 2(5): 104–107
Clinical Medicine

Structural and Functional Peculiarities of the Cardiovascular System in Young People with High Pulse Arterial Pressure

Radomska T., Salivon-Goncharenko A., Kachan I., Pakhomova S.

60 young patients of the University Clinic’s diagnostic center participated in the research. They would like to examine their cardiovascular system’s condition. The average age of the patients (40 men and 20 women) was 20±3 years. During examination process all persons possessed minimal clinical symptoms and received no specific therapy. All participants underwent 24-hour blood pressure monitoring (ABM) with an assessment of mean pulse blood pressure (PAD). Individuals with undoubtedly increased PAD (≥53mmHg) underwent additional research: echocardiography and dopplerography of the neck vessels with determination of the thickness of the intima-medial complex of common carotid arteries, daily electrocardiogram monitoring (ECG). Among the total number of participants, according to SMAD, an increased average daily PAD was detected in 35 patients. The presence of persistent arterial hypertension (AH) was verified in 14 (40%) individuals among them. The hemodynamic hypertension in all cases was isolated systolic. Additional examination methods of patients with an increased mean daily PAD showed the following: according to echocardiography data, in 11 (31%) participants, mitral valve prolapse of I degree was diagnosed; in 9 (26%), there was an additional chord in the left ventricular cavity. After dopplerography of the neck vessels, a thickening of the intima – medial complex of common carotid arteries (≥0.9mm) was detected in 4 (11%) patients, atherosclerotic plaques were not visualized. During daily monitoring of ECG, 21 (60%) participants defined sinus tachycardia syndrome with an average heart rate of more than 90 beats per minute for more than 10 hours a day. In all patients with an AH rack, secondary AH was excluded on the basis of the studies performed according to the current diagnostic standards. After consulting a cardiologist, the diagnosis of hypertension of stage I was verified and individual treatment and prevention schemes for the disease were developed. In patients with high PAD without persistent hypertension, the risk factors for the development of hypertension were detailed and individual prevention programs were developed. Thus, an increased mean daily PAD was registered in 58% of young people without significant clinical symptoms according to SMAD. Among the structural and functional features of such patients, the syndrome of persistent sinus tachycardia was detected more than 10 hours a day (60%), structural changes in the myocardium and valvular apparatus (57%), and the presence of stable isolated systolic hypertension (40%). The detection of an increased PAD level in young people allows timely diagnosis of structural and functional disorders from the cardiovascular system and developing programs for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Keywords: pulsatile arterial pressure, young people

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