ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 41 of 42
JMBS 2017, 2(4): 223–227
Physical training and Sport. Recreation, physical rehabilitation and adaptive physical training

Complex Examination of University Students’ Psychosomatic Health

Iagotin R.1, Dehtiarenko T.2, Bosenko А.2

The purpose of the article is to analyze the necessity of implementation of complex programs for psycho-physiological examination of university students, using objective psycho-physiological parameters. Current examination is aimed to determine their adaptive capacity and psychosomatic health. The list of problems, which have been solved during the research, includes: 1) to highlight the psycho physiological state concept as an integral human characteristic in the process of performing certain activities that certainly applies to assessment of students’ psychosomatic health and adaptive capabilities during the learning process; 2) to create a program of psycho-physiological survey of students to determine their adaptive capacity and psychosomatic health state. The authors emphasize that during physical education classes in organized students groups with different state of psychosomatic health it is advisable to introduce the psycho-physiological diagnostics implementation, which provides an objective and comprehensive information about the students’ psycho-functionality state and the physical preparedness level, and allows to evaluate their adaptive capacity dynamics during physical education. From the authors’ perspective, psycho-physiological condition is a complex hierarchical system with mechanisms of self-regulation and self-development, which is a dynamic by components and an originally deployed by time unity of the individual components: bioenergetic, neurophysiological, psychological, behavioral, personal, social, psychological. The abovementioned components organized in accordance with the holarhick strategy provide the desired aims achievement. The complex psychophysiological examination program created by the authors is adapted for university students and has real prospects for implementation in high schools. It allows determining students’ adaptive capacity and their physical health condition. Comprehensive program includes the following major sections: I – General data; II – Physical development; III –Physical preparedness; IV – Properties of the nervous system; V – Psychomotor quality; VI – Level of attention; VII – Thinking activity. Implementation of an integrated psycho-physiological examination for university students enables forecasting individual trajectories of their further mental and physical development, and facilitates the individualized approach taking into account the particularities of their psycho-physiological condition including the person’s psychomotor qualities.

Keywords: diagnostics, psycho-physiological condition, students, health physical education

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