ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 4 of 41
JMBS 2017, 2(3): 21–25
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Angiolon Influence on the Morphofunctional Characteristics of Rats’ Endotheliocytes in Chronic Cardiac Insufficiency

Nagornaya E. A.1, Belenichev I. F.2, Gorchakova N. A.1, Mazur I. A.2, Chekman I. S.3

Endotheliocytes damage may be diagnosed in chronic cardiac insufficiency besides of cardiac activity and disturbance. The aim of the study is to examine the angiolin influence on the morphofunctional characteristics of rats’ endotheliocytes and immunological molecular markers of the rats’ endothelial dysfunction. The material and method of the research. The experiments were conducted on the 56 rats without line. The doxorubicine cardiac insufficiency has been created by Methodical recommendation of State Expert Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Doxorubicin has been solved in the physiological solution and was injected intrapetironially in the dose 2,5 mg/kg during 14 days. Angiolin was administered intragastrically in the dose 100 mg/kg together with doxorubicin and later during 21 days. Mildronat was administered in the dose 250 mg/kg by the same scheme. The animals were decapitated under thiopentalum-natrium injection. For morphological investigation the heart has been extracted, its top has been fixed in the neutral 10% solution of phormaline and it has been floated into the parafine block which from the serial 5-microne histological cuts has been prepared from the different myocardial parts. For the investigations of the morphofunctional endotheliocytes nucleus status the histological cuts have been deparafinized by the standard method and have been colored by the galocianinchromic alum by Einorson for specific identification RNA. Morphometric analysis of endotheliocytes has been conducted on the AXIOSKOP microscope by means of videocamera COHU-4922 and has been introduced in the system analysis in figures of picture VIDAS-386. It was stated such indexes of endotheliocytes as the endotheliocytes area, endotheliocytes density, RNA concentration in nucleus, apoptic and destructically changed enotheliocytes density. By the biochemical methods there were identified such markers of damage as C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor alpha, transforming growth factor, gamma-immunoglobuline. In chronic cardiac insufficiency the reduction of endotheliocytes area, the endotheliocytes density, RNA concentration in nucleus was stated. Apoptic and destructically changed endothelial sites density have been increased. The immunological data have been changed also. The level of C-reactive protein, tumor necrosis factor alpha, gamma-immunoglobuline has been increased and transforming growth factor has been lowered. Angiolin has restored the morphofunctional properties of endotheliocytes and biochemical immunological data. Conclusion. In the chronic cardiac insufficiency angiolin injected during 35 days increased endotheliocytes 120 area, endotheliocytes density, RNA concentration in nucleus and decreased the level of apoptic and destructically changed endotheliocytes’ density. Angiolin also raised the transforming growth factor and the level of the C-reactive protein, gamma-immunoglobuline, and tumor necrosis factor alpha has been fallen.

Keywords: angiolin, chronic cardiac insufficiency, morphofunctional characteristics, endotheliocytes properties immunological markers

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