ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 36 of 41
JMBS 2017, 2(3): 201–208

Psychophysiological Condition of Elite Athletes in Dynamics of Training Macrocycle

Мishchenko V. S., Korobeynikov G. V., Korobeynikova L. G., Zinevych Ya. V., Volsky D. S.

The evaluation and control of psychophysiological condition of athletes’ body during training activities and preparedness to main competitions is a one of the acute problems in sport of high achievements. The assessment of psychophysiological states gives important information about primarily tension of physiological functions regulation system before the negative changes occur in organism. This allows to optimize preparedness process and to train potential athletes without negative disadaptation changes. The purpose of the article is the study of psychophysiological condition of elite athletes in the dynamics of training macrocycle. Methods. 27 elite wrestlers, members of Greco-Roman Wrestling Team were examined. The psychophysiological condition was assessed by tests: «functional mobility of nervous process», «endurance of nervous system», «balance of nervous system» which including of the part psychodiagnostic complex «Mutltypsychometers-05». The state of autonomous regulation of the heart rhythm was determined by statistical and spectral characteristics of heart rate variability for support the «POLAR RS 800 CX». Results. It was found out that in dynamic of macrocycle the main factor which determines the psychophysiological condition of elite athletes’ organism is functional mobility of nervous process. The ability to comprehend the visual information, endurance of nervous system, quality of movement of mastering skills and perfect mechanism of system of autonomic neuro-humoral regulation of heart rate are associated with high level of functional mobility of nervous process. Low level of functional mobility of nervous process links with more stable and correct structure of movement activity for reason of activation of autonomic centers of brain cortex. Scientific novelty of research. The results of the study can be implemented into the process of elite athletes’ training and activities during the mesocycle.

Keywords: psychophysiological state, elite athletes, dynamic of training macrocycle

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