ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 30 of 41
JMBS 2017, 2(3): 167–171
Humanitarian issues of medicine and problem of teaching at the higher school

Professional Training of Medical Students in the Context of Professionally Required Skills

Verbovska R. I., Divnych T. Y.

Modern society requires professionalism based on realization of individual potential and flexibility. Professional and personal qualities of young specialists form through the process of their pofessional training. Obviously, highly trained specialist possess more than huge amount of knowledge. Other necessary qualities are: skills and competences, professional experience, as well as professional and ethical values. The main objectives of higher medical education are: preparation of young professionals to become future doctors; their ability to adjust and work in new environments; helping them to demonstrate their professionally required qualities. Another task is to ensure a high level of training for each doctor and provide appropriate assistance to anyone who needs it. This issue requires a fundamental education to make the future impact on the each individual doctor who should represent kindness, attentiveness, responsibility and other moral values. First of all, doctor is a person who is called to serve the people and save their lives. Such qualities as: professionalism, high moral values and communication skills should be developed in every medical worker by the representatives of medical education institutions. Competent doctor supposed to be efficient and highly professional. Modern educational approaches in the sphere of medical care should provide a doctor's ability to interact with the patients, inspire and support them. Thus, modern higher education system has become the new paradigm for the formation of competitive specialists, who possess professionally required qualities (knowledge, intellect, art, research, training) that are necessary to achieve success in their future careers. Therefore, the popularity of different psychological trainings increses rapidly. These technologies vary in different fields (psychology, pedagogy, medicine, politics, business) for the prevention of unprofessionalism, correction, training and personal development. To provide an effective education and professional training for the future medical needs proper educational environment should be created. It should contribute to the manifestation of the future physicians’ creative potential; improve the curriculum structure and disciplines’ content, provide flexibility and variability in order to improve the educational needs of students during professional and ethical training; develop professional and ethical culture of the future doctors, including social sciences and humanities. Thus, the formation of professionally required qualities of future physicians begins from high school education. Such qualities deal with the ability to manage difficult clinical situations; to solve professional tasks effectively; to confront psychological difficulties. Obviously, psychological preparedness plays an important role in the education of future doctors. It should be noted, that professionally required qualities are based on naturally given psychological features of character and the reactions to external influences.

Keywords: training, professionally required qualities, future doctor, formation

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