ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 28 of 41
JMBS 2017, 2(3): 157–161
View of a problem

Forensic-Medical Practice of Corpse Embalming by Minakov’s and Shor-Iosifov’s Methods

Torianyk I. I. 1,2, Danylchenko S. I.3, Chernozub A. A.3

Contemporary medical science, pathoanatomical service, forensic-medical and clinical practices require fundamental study of the structure of organs and their systems, which caused death (fatal outcome) of a single individual or a group of people in certain (domestic, working, social, natural) circumstances. Taking into consideration people’s way of life nowadays the presence of high level of stresses and challenges (both physical and mental-emotional) was indicated. Moreover, the multi-vector nature of endogenous and exogenous factors influencing the human psyche and somatics require a fundamental study of the human somato- and thanatogenesis in changed microevolutional conditions of our habitat. Substantial aid here can be given by embalming, a slightly forgotten in recent time but rather practical and reliable way for prolonged storage of biological information/material. The resources of embalming are almost unlimited, principally inexhaustible (taking into account the achievements of our German colleagues in the sphere of histological plastification), not completely studied and, unfortunately, minimized in their use. Thus, its role at both macro- and microscopic levels of study is unquestionable. The ways of corpse embalming, which are used in forensic practice and examined in the current research, are the most available and economically efficient nowadays. Its organization requires substances preparations with a relatively low self-cost and well-known / studied protective means. Production of these substances was developed long time ago and got high quality standards by specialized Ukrainian enterprises, their transportation and delivery being seamlessly perfected by suppliers. The ways of proper embalming are simple (assistants can be specialists with secondary medical education). They are extremely effective for achieving the main objective of embalming; their procedure is rather short and simple. The use of the procedure of autopsy of corpses and hence the technique of deep fixing of organs and their systems allow specialists to achieve the aim of long-term cadaver/biological material preservation and therefore its future usage in scientific-methodological purposes as an educational material.

Keywords: embalming, corpse, forensic, medicobiological practice, Minakov’s method, Shor-Iosifov’s method

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