ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 26 of 41
JMBS 2017, 2(3): 149–152
View of a problem

Complex Treatment Conducting Necessity for Patients with Odontogenic Maxillary Sinusitis Considering Mutual Burdening of Etiological Factors

Demyanyk Dmitro1, Entina Yulya 2, Voloshan Oleksandr1

Objectives. The purpose of the study is identification of likely polietiology background of patients with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis. According to sources of medical information in Ukraine, 10 to 14 million people suffer from acute rhinitis every year, which is 24-30% of the total and approximately 75-90% of the infectious diseases in the country. The international classification divides infectious rhinitis into acute and chronic, but in clinical practice they use an expanded version, according to which there are 3 main groups: acute, chronic, and vasomotor. Vasomotor allergic rhinitis (seasonal, year-round) attracts more specialists’ attention caused by the growing allergization of the world's population. Methods. 68 patients with various forms of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis were treated at the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery in 2016 in Kharkiv Regional Hospital. The analysis of analytical data which is carried out by us has allowed establishing existence of allergic reactions to one allergen and more (polynous) at 44 (65%) profile patients. More often foodstuff concerned to them, at 14 persons (21%) the sensitization has been revealed and/or confirmed with medicaments’ means (positive allergic test). Two patients had allergic reactions to meteorological factors (insolation), at 5 (7%) – dermatitis of various geneses has been noted. More than 60% of the individuals in the study group mentioned the common cold of different periodicity and duration on the side of the lesion or bilateral, but did not associate its occurrence and course with complaints about the causative tooth/teeth. About 20% of the appearance of symptomatology characteristic of maxillary sinusitis with an odontogenic cause, however, in most cases against the background of coping factors (acute respiratory distress syndrome, complications of endodontic or surgical treatment). 18 patients (26%) were previously treated for rhinitis and sinusitis in an ENT. Results. Current research has shown that a considerable part of persons with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis had burdening etiology factors (allergic, respiratory). In our opinion, these conditions demand more fixed and detailed approach not only to examination, but also to choice a tactic of complex elimination an odontogenic diseases. The need for complex treatment of this contingent by related specialists determines the expediency of developing schemes for the provision of specialized care against the background of poly-factors to improve the effectiveness and prevent the occurrence of various complications. The development and implementation of specific patient screening and treatment regimens, taking into account modern quality standards, is a priority of our further research, the results of which will be covered in subsequent publications. Conclusions. Complex treatment approach for patients with mainly odontogenic maxillary sinusitis against the background of aggravating the etiology factors demands number of specialists’ participation. Moreover, it is necessary from the point of view of initially revealed accompanying pathology, and prevention of various complications emergence and development.

Keywords: analysis of causative factors, diagnostic, odontogenic maxillary sinusitis treatment, complex treatment

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