ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 10 of 43
JMBS 2017, 2(2): 60–65
Clinical Medicine

Intersystemic Psycological Peculiarities in Process of Adaptation to Education of Students of Kharkiv National Medical University

Bausova О. B., Vlasenko O. B., Trach О. О.

The article is devoted to the analysis of psychological peculiarities in the process of adaptation of the 2nd year students of KhNMU. The results of questionnaires, psychophysiological studies aimed at studying the peculiarities of adaptation to the teaching of 2nd year students are presented. The article presents an analysis of students’ self-assessment. The problems with the health of students are presented, which have arisen from the moment of admission to KhNMU, and have been identified, and it is associated with a low level of adaptation. There is also a tendency to violate the internal biological clock. The risk of hypertension is increasing every year. The self-esteem of the health of young men and girls decreases, the number of complaints about the activity of various functional systems, fatigue, poor eyesight, headaches, low back pains is increased. The level of concentration of attention, functions of visual memory, logical thinking in young people decreases. A greater number is the state of psychological maladjustment. The tendency to violation of internal biological clocks is revealed. The amount and duration of smoking has increased. In connection with this, the optimization of the educational process at the Kharkov Medical University requires a scientifically based approach to the organization of professional training for future doctors. Thus, the relevance of the work is determined by: - the need to establish the physiological patterns of adaptation of university students to the conditions of vocational training; The need for a physiological justification for improving the effectiveness of students’ adaptation to the workload and factors of the social and information environment; - the lack of a scientifically-based system of preventive measures to optimize the functional state and increase the current efficiency of students of the university. In this regard, it is extremely necessary to clarify the mechanisms and laws governing the adaptation of students to the factors of a complex, rich social and information environment, and on this basis to develop criteria for monitoring the functional status of students, justification of the system of preventive correction. Based on this study, it is proposed to ensure the adequacy of the course of adaptation and maintenance of a high level of health. Leading in providing adaptive response to simulated conditions of discrepancy between the expected and real evaluation of the performance results are the reactions of the psychological and psychophysiological spheres, manifested by pronounced shifts in the indicators of the subjective state, as well as the dynamics of bioelectrical activity of the brain in the alpha and beta frequency bands, reflecting the degree of expression and The rate of extinction of the activation reaction. The proposed physiological criteria are recommended to be used to assess and predict the individual current state of adaptation, as well as the adequacy of the inclusion of the psychological, psychophysiological and vegetative components of the integral adaptive response of students' bodies at various stages of vocational training. The obtained results can be used in determining preventive measures aimed at improving the functional state and performance, reduced under the influence of the training load and the factors of the medical and biological and social environment.

Keywords: physiological characteristics, adaptation, psychological dysadaptation

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