ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 43 of 43
JMBS 2017, 2(2): 258–261

Morphological Changes of Erythrocytes of Pregnant Women of Different Trimesters

Shkuropat A. V.

Pregnancy is characterized by great need for iron in the mother’s organism. Pregnant anemia is one of the urgent problems of health care in the health of mother and child. 35 women were involved in the examination. According to the World Health Organization every year in the world anemia occurs, in 48% of pregnant women. Pregnancy is considered one of the main reason of anemia and iron deficiency in modern obstetric practice. It is found in 21-80% of pregnant women for hemoglobin and 49-99% in serum iron. So, it is important to study women in different trimesters of pregnancy to detect morphological changes of red blood cells, because this pathology is closely correlated with preeclampsia and pathology of newborns. The article aims to study the dynamics of morphological changes of red blood cells during pregnancy trimester and it is necessary to identify the most unfavorable factors for the development of anemia. 35 pregnant women were involved in examination and they were from 20 to 45 years old. It is necessary to study the blood which was taken from the finger for research for blood count. It was found that red blood cells during different functional states can resize - anisocytosis, change shape - poikilocytosis, change the content of hemoglobin - anisochrome. It was found that all pregnant women to the end of pregnancies had formed iron deficiency (decrease of the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit) that require preventive measures during early pregnancy, such as monitoring the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells. In addition, there is the emergence of micro- and macrocytes, polychrome erythrocytes and anulocites. It was found that the most pronounced morphological changes of erythrocytes occurring in the second trimester, which one believe is due to late diagnosis and delayed start treatment of iron deficiency anemia. The third trimester is improving studied parameters, but they do not reach the level of performance of the first trimester. So, based on received morphological indices of erythrocytes one can recommend diagnostics of anemia and iron deficiency in pregnant women as soon as possible during the first visit to gynecologist-obstetrician. Preventive measures are recommended by pregnant women who contained the risk group. Further it is planned to study morphological changes of cells of blood of pregnant women in different trimesters of pregnancy and also compare received results between women who take medications and women who refused medical treatment.

Keywords: pregnancy, anemia, red blood cells, morphological changes

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