ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 45 of 50
JMBS 2016, 1(2): 199–202

The Teenagers’ Attitude to the Problem Skin of the Face

Tereshchenko V. V., Kolyadenko K.V.

Introduction. WHO indicates more than 1,000 skin diseases. They affect from 30% to 70% of the people of all ages and nationalities. Top - 10 most common diseases in the world in 2010 included fungal skin diseases, acne and other diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Nevertheless, today skin disease continue to receive relatively not enough attention. About 80% visits to the cosmetologist cause the skin diseases, accompanied with cosmetology defect. Psychologists proved - appearance important for people, especially for teenagers. Unfortunately, cosmetic eliminates manifestations of the disease for some time, but cannot remove its cause. According to medical journals, only 10% of teenagers’ lucky pass awkward age and maintain clear skin. Skin defects, especially of the face, upset and demoralize people of any age. The aim of the work. To investigate teenagers’ attitude to the problem skin of the face. Materials and methods. A survey of 37 school children aged 15-16, including 27 girls and 10 boys. To survey were involved teenagers with problematic and normal skin. Results and discussion. The results showed that 62% of teenagers are not satisfied with condition of the skin of their faces. Most children concerned with acne scars, flaky, oily skin, birthmarks. 24% of respondents said that they are concerned about the opinion of other people about the condition of their facial skin. 36% of children feel uncomfortable during communication with their peers through the facial skin problems. 8% of teenagers say that their peers paid attention to their problem skin. 16% with a rash of their faces do not consider it as a problem. What for teenagers pay attention when communicate with their peers? After our survey we obtained the following data: behavior, communication style - 100% of the boys and 89% of the girls; the nature - 90% of the boys and 59% of the girls; clothing and footwear - 30% of the boys and 59% of the girls; skin and hair - 30% of the boys and 26% of the girls; for hairstyle - 30% of the boys and 15% of the girls; on the constitution - 20% of the boys and 18% of the girls. Our research shows - all girls take care of their facial skin: 50% by themselves, 44% - visit a cosmetologist, only 6% - visit a dermatologist. Among the boys with problem facial skin the result of the survey indicates 60% - use the internet to take care of their skin of the face, 40% - visit a cosmetologist. Only 47% of children with problem facial skin hold a diet. 95% teenagers say that the skin problem does not affect on their relationship to the person, but 5% will suspend the conversation because of this. 46% of children find that problem skin prevents acquaintance. Most pupils (60%) advise to visit а cosmetologist orаl dermatologist for people with problem skin. In addition, 68% (25 children): 70% of the girls and 60% of the boys, recommend using makeup, because they believe that it can hide skin problems of the face. Most of the recommendations were to use medical treatment and to determine the cause of the problem for stopping progress of the disease. However, the situation still needs further propaganda in visiting a doctor to find the cause of the problem skin because it could be a signal of significant dysfunction of internal organs which needs correction and treatment. Conclusion. Teenagers heed the problem skin and it is important that for most children it does not affect further communication with the people with problem skin of the face. This may be due to the individual character traits of the child, education, and an extremely common skin problem today which does not attract increased attention. Prospects for further research. Psychological attitude to the problem skin, especially facial skin, has an important aesthetic value to people in their life and requires further research: clarification of the causes of the insignificant number of visits to a dermatologist and the lack of visits at an early stage of the disease will allow to apply the measures to eliminate these causes; studying teenagers’ attitude to each other will help in determining the position in society of pupils with skin problems of the face; studying the relationship of other people to children that can cause the development of complexes associated with skin problems of the face.

Keywords: problem skin, face, teenagers

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