ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 30 of 50
JMBS 2016, 1(2): 139–143

The Medico-Sociological Analysis of the State Health of Students-Educators

Melnikova Svetlana V.

In many countries of the world students are allocated as a high-risk health group, because they suffer from various physical disorders and neuropsychiatric diseases more often than young people of other social groups the same age. According to data of the Ministries of Education and Health Care of Ukraine, more than 50% of students suffer from various morphofunctional disorders, and 30-40% - are chronically ill. The main aim of the research is the medico-sociological analysis of the morbidity among students-educators of Melitopol State Pedagogical University in honor of Bohdan Khmelnytsky by the number of people seeking for professional help in the medical post. It was conducted the medico-sociological analysis of the report on the causes of temporary disability of students-educators of Melitopol State Pedagogical University in honor of B. Khmelnitsky according to Form №23-TN (approved by the Order of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine dated 01.09.99 №298) using the table 3.000 for 2014. The analysis of the research results showed that the highest level of the morbidity among students-educators is identified by cause of respiratory diseases - 150 students, which is 6.56 people per 100 students. The second position in the morbidity was observed in the class of “the severe acute respiratory infections of the upper and lower airways” - 147 students, which was 6.43 cases per 100 studying people at the university. The numbers of absenteeism due to these diseases were 895 and 867 days respectively, which is the high rate for a given social group and may have a negative influence on the successfulness of learning and understanding of the educational material. The high rate of the disease we relate to waning immunity in autumn and winter period, as well as indicators of the state of health, which we have found out during the screening researches. The third position in the morbidity of students-educators belongs to infectious and parasitic diseases – there were found 9 students among those, who were seeking for medical assistance, which forms 0.39 cases per 100 studying people. Because of these diseases there were missed 98 school days (4.29 cases per 100 students). The following are the cases of diseases of the nervous system, including vegetovascular dystonia - for 5 students respectively, which formed 0.22 cases per 100 students. Despite of the small number of students with this pathology, seeking officially for the medical assistance in the medical post of the University, we can assume a greater amount of students with these diseases, because the results of the own researches, conducted in a group of students-psychologists of MSPU, showed that the dominant type of regulation of the cardiovascular system is the sympathetic-tonic type, which indicates the presence of vegetative and psycho-emotional stress in the majority of the surveyed. And the results of the screening researches showed that only 46.55% of the students of MSPU sought for the medical assistance in treatment and prevention centres for the purpose of inspection and 39.03% - in the case of chronic diseases. At the same time we found that 32.76% of the students are engaged in self-treatment, that means the careless attitude to their own health. The conducted medico-sociological analysis of the morbidity of students-educators of MSPU can be used to inform students about a healthy lifestyle, necessity of preventive inspection and adequate attitude to their own health, as well as the development of preventive measures for this social group.

Keywords: college students, medico-sociological analysis, students-educators, health, morbidity, seeking for the medical assistance in treatment and prevention centres, absenteeism due to illness

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