ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 24 of 50
JMBS 2016, 1(2): 113–116

Application for Competence Approach of Postgraduate Education of Health Facilities Managers by Providing Health System’s Responsiveness

Kryachkova L.V.

Health systems have three goals: to improve the health of the populations they serve, to respond to the reasonable expectations of those populations and to collect the funds to do so in a way that is fair. Health system responsiveness can be improved by rising health facilities managers involvement in gaining the main goals of health system. Objective - to study the basic requirements for the management by providing health system’s responsivenessusing ofapproach to optimize postgraduate education of health facilities managers. Materials and methods. The study was conducted by examining the available literature about basic managerial аnd leadership competencies were searched: PubMed and Google. For the analysis of textual data used technology Text Miningin Package Data Mining software STATISTICA. Results and discussion. Determined that the changes in providing health system’s responsivenesscan be achieved by optimization of management аnd leadership of health facilities managers. The most important leadership competenciesby providing health system’s responsiveness is health system competencies, managerial (professional), business and personal / interpersonal competencies. The degree of influence on health system’s responsiveness of competences: personal and interpersonal competence (correlation in 33.3 % of cases), health system competencies (29.6 %), managerial competence (25.9 %) and business competence (11.1 %). Conclusions.The results indicate the need for work to improve the system of selection, training and retraining of personnel management, optimization of work in health care.The most competencies by providing health system’s responsiveness approach of postgraduate education of health facilities managers.

Keywords: postgraduate education, management, leadership competencies, responsiveness of health system

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