ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 20 of 59
JMBS 2016, 1(1): 96–98

Features of Change of Lipid Metabolism in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Tokarenko A.I., Andreeva Y.O.

The article presents the results of study of the lipid profile in patients with OSA and normal body weight. The study involved 56 patients with OSA and 20 participants of control group. All participants in addition to general clinical study conducted cardio-respiratory monitoring using SomnoCheck 2 sistem (Weinmann, Germany). The survey was conducted according to standard protocol. The total cholesterol, LDL and high density, triglycerides, apolipoprotein A1 and B1 was determine in blood serum using the automatic biochemical analyzer Cobas 6000; Roche Diagnostics. According to the results of monitoring defined index of apnea-hypopnoe (the number of episodes in 1 hour), depending on which was allocate three degrees of severity of OSA: mild, moderate and severe (according to the classification of the American Academy of Medicine Sleep (2005))[1] Then common group was divided into three subgroups depending of the degrees of obstructive disorders. Twelve patients had mild OSA, 14 persons have moderate OSA. OSA severe degree was found in 30 patients. It was found that all patients with OSA have manifestations dyslipidemia. According to the results 41% of patients with OSA have increased level of total cholesterol above 6 mg / dL. Value of total cholesterol fluctuate within 3.5 - 9.6 mmol/L. But no significant difference didn`t found when data was compared with the control group. LDL levels were above 4.9 mmol / L in 11% of patients with OSA, 48% ranged within 2.5 - 4.9 mmol / L and 41% in value of the index was below 2.5 mmol / L, of which 18% - below 1.8 mmol / L. Found significant differences between the values in general and control groups (2,68 ± 0,31 and 2,08 ± 0,31 vidpovdino). HDL within the reference values were 68% of patients. Triglycerides above 1.7 mmol / L recorded in 42% of patients. Compared with the control group TG level was increased by 17% (p <0.05). Apo-A1 for patients with severe degree of respiratory disorders in OSAS. In patients with mild respiratory causes significant changes are set only for LDL. Value of Apo-A1 in 56% of women fluctuated between 1.08 - 2.25 mmol / l in 38% of the men within 1.04 - 2.02 mmol / L. Increasing Apo-B1 registered in 42% of men (above 1.33 mmol / L) and 33% of women (above 1.17 mmol / l). Depending on the severity of respiratory disorders was found that the most pronounced changes were recorded in Group 3, but significant difference between the 3 groups of indicators and control set only for HDL, LDL, TG and Apo-A1. Significant differences between the groups in terms fixed only for LDL. All other changes such as an increase in the mean LDL, TG and Apo - B1 and decrease HDL and Apo-A1, had the character of tendencies. With increasing degree of respiratory disorders showed a significant increase in the concentration of LDL and decrease HDL. In conducting correlation analysis was define a direct correlation of medium strength for IAH and HDL, LDL and direct link weak force for TG (r = 0,62, 0,55, 0,22, respectively, p <0.05). Between IAH and duration of smoking was determine the direct correlation of medium strength (r = 052, p <0.05). Relationship between the IAH and age not established. The significant changes in lipid metabolism in patients with OSAS and normal body weight were observed for the indicator of LDL in the total group and for cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides and Apo-A1 for patients with severe degree of respiratory disorders in OSAS.

Keywords: obstructive sleep syndrome, lipids, non-obese

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