ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 14 of 59
JMBS 2016, 1(1): 66–70

Influence on Factors Cardiovascular Risk in Patients with Chronic Cholecystitis in an Outpatient Setting

Kicha N.V.1, Danyliuk S.V.2

According to the theory of cardio-vascular continuum, the occurrence of major cardiovascular diseases (CVD) provides for the continuous development of the pathological process of the formation of the risk factors (RF) to disease. For successful prevention of CVD should influence the earlier parts of this vicious circle, to the FR, and this is certainly one of the priorities of the primary care physicians. The need to lower cholesterol (HDL) for the prevention of CVD and their complications beyond doubt because CVD continues to occupy a prominent place in the structure of mortality of citizens of Ukraine. It is known that the formation and development of CVD and chronic diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract occurs at a young age, and the prevalence of combined variants among this age group reaches (10,0÷15,0)‰. Biliary insufficiency contributes to marked changes digestive processes, especially processes of splitting and absorption of exogenous fats, including polyunsaturated fatty acids. This promotes initiating different types of disorders sharing, including lipid. Known to influence the lipid metabolism by correcting the motor - evacuation function of the gall bladder (GB). Established that the correction GB contractile function reduces the severity dyslipoproteidemia, and in some cases, mainly in patients young and middle age, normalize lipid metabolism. It was found that persons with gall bladder dysfunction (GBD) in chronic cholecystitis cardiovascular risk associated to the functional state gall bladder (GB): hypokinetic type – cardiovascular risk (CVR) threefold higher than in the hyperkinetic, and determined the influence of complex factors. In patients with chronic noncalculous cholecystitis (CNC) violation of the kinetics of bile and changes in lipid profile are the factors of cardio-vascular risk (CVR). Investigated the possibility of modifying factors of CVR such as hypokinetic GBD and violation of the lipid profile in patients CNC. Pathogenic correction provides for choleretic and lipid-lowering effects, the drug is selected phytotherapeutic extract from the leaves of an artichoke field (brand name "Chophitol"). Clinical efficiency (CE) was found in the following: a reduction phase open the sphincter of Oddi (ІKE = 0.439 OD), the reduction phase of the closed sphincter of Oddi (ІKE = 0.404 OD), reduction in the duration and scope of the cystic portion of bile (ІKE = 0.526 is the 0.525 OD, respectively). As for the effect on lipid metabolism: a decrease in the concentration of cholesterol low density lipoproteins (r≤0.05), cholesterol very low density lipoproteins (r≥0,05) and a slight decrease in atherogenic factor. CE effect of treatment on the normalization of lipid metabolism was (9,0 ± 0,7)%. The place of artichoke leaf extract in the treatment of wounds tended to a certain category of patients is justified systematic set of preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic measures to reduce CVR in ambulatory monitoring.

Keywords: dyslipidemia, biliary dysfunctions, cardiovascular risk, general practice - family medicine

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