ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 10 of 59
JMBS 2016, 1(1): 52–54

Changes of Design of the Vagina at Fertile Women during Genital Herpes

Dybenko D.E., Kobylinsky I.A., Wu Wei Wei, Shcherba A.A., Lastovetskaya L.D.

Problem diseases, sexually transmitted diseases remains valid in connection with effects on reproductive function and quality of life. These diseases constitute 50-80% of the general morbidity structure of female genital mutilation. Their frequency increases, which is associated with an increase in sexual activity of women at a young age, disordered sexuality, violation microecology vagina, intestinal dysbiosys, medical procedures, including abortion and the introduction of intrauterine contraceptive delayed seeking medical ADR uncontrolled use of drugs, etc. The structure diseases, sexually transmitted special role belongs to viral infections. Genital herpes is a common human disease that has spread epidemic in the world. According to WHO, the herpes simplex virus infected up to 90 % of the adult population, and mortality due herpesvirus infection is second only to influenza.The aim of our study is the evaluation of the vagina in habitat women reproductive age with recurrent genital herpes and reduce the frequency of relapses by using complex antiviral therapy. We examined 87 women aged 18 to 35 years, of which 67 - recurrent herpes patients who met the inclusion criteria according to the protocol. The control group included 20 healthy women gynecological. Diagnosis of genital herpes were performed on the basis of aggregate anamnesis and clinical laboratory tests: bacterioscopic research content vagina and cervix and vagina bacterioscopic research content.Diagnosis of genital herpes in all cases confirmed by laboratory tests. Clinical manifestations of viral pathology were quite variable. We found a correlation between clinical disease and indicators of the immune system, interferon status of patient. During the analysis of the immune system of the patients found a high frequency of immunodeficiencies, it identifies the need for an integrated asset immune anti-inflammatory treatment of fertile women with recurrent genital herpes, which can be linked to output and transient its manifestations.Thus, changes in the surface epithelium of the cervix caused by a decrease in exacerbations of security features, which creates conditions for the rapid development of design infringement vagina. As a result of increased sensitivity to any damage that may cause development of precancerous cervical processes, and subsequently - quality tumors.We conducted a comprehensive therapy herpesviral infection patients of childbearing age to include a modulator and a local antiseptic drug is effective in most cases leads to decreased levels of inflammatory cytokines, prevents the emergence of dysbiosis, which helps normalize the habitat of the vagina in women with recurrent genital herpes.

Keywords: correction of vagina’s biotope, genital herpes, Depantol, Lavomaks

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