ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 58 of 59
JMBS 2016, 1(1): 280–285
Physical training and Sport

Influence on Different Capacity Regimes Load on the Body of Man In Terms Fitness Force

Chernozub A., Minenko A., Titova А., Dymova А., Dymov К.

This paper presents the results of studies that reflect the peculiarities of changes in the concentration of cortisol in blood serum and morpho-metric indicators of body untrained young men in the three-month power fitness classes using various modes of exercise. The study took part 60 physically healthy young men aged 20-21 years who have not previously engaged in power fitness. It was formed two research groups (control and experimental) to determine the optimal mode of exercise in the fitness force aimed at positive trend grasp size and body composition parameters within physiologically adaptive capacity of the organism. During experimental studies found that use of force training process fitness sufficiently different in setting the amount and intensity of exercise regimes promotes positive dynamics of morpho-metric indicators of the human body, but quite noticeable dynamics between various regulatory groups. Revealed that the proposed research participants exercise nonuniform influence the levels of the hormone cortisol in the blood at various stages of control. Levels of cortisol, fixed before the training sessions, often uneven downward trend in all experimental groups, and after physical activity - show quite diverse multidirectional dynamics.Thus, the research results show the positive dynamics of adaptation and compensatory possibilities of the body untrained young men in terms of long-term power fitness classes. Overall, despite the quantitative change of the hormone before and after exercise, cortisol levels representatives of the control and experimental groups remains within physiologically acceptable standards, indicating the adequacy of a given exercise regimes functionalities body untrained boys.

Keywords: modes of exercise, body composition parameters. grasp sizes, cortisol, athleticism, training process

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