ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 56 of 59
JMBS 2016, 1(1): 268–272
Physical training and Sport

Individual Adaptation Reactions of the Organism of the Athlete to the Complex of the Control Testing Loadings

Stankievich Liudmila, Zemtsova Irina, Antonovna Anna

Triple jump is difficult coordinative speed-power view of track-and-field athletics and it is determined by overcome of the large dynamic loads. The high level of athletic achievement in the world in this kind of sport poses for trainers the difficult problem related with the improvement of power-speed quality of jumpers of high qualification. The Improvement of triple jump technique directly depends on the level of speed-strength training, which ensures the application of special groups of exercises. Particular relevance it acquires during the constant improvement of training process methods, along with it the increasing attention is given to find the opportunities of use of additional factors, one of which is functional and metabolic control of sports performance and recovery processes in triple-jumpers athletes. In the article is studied the directions of improvement of the training process management of triple-jumpers athletes based on the use of biochemical control of adaptation development in highly qualified sportsmen organism under the influence of training activities and control of test loads. Examples of using of the results of monitoring individual metabolic correction training loads in the special-preparatory period. The purpose of research - scientific and practical substantiation of informative indicators of adaptive changes in the metabolism of high-class athletes on the effect of significant physical loads. Methods: the determination of lactate in the blood was conducted with the help of fast biochemical analyzer LP 420 firm «Dr. LANGE » (Germany) and were used ready sets of reagents. The study involved five triple-jumpers athletes, with athletic training candidate masters; masters of sports; masters of sports, international class. In forming the group was taken into account the homogeneity criterion of age, sport skills (skills), athletic performance of athletes studied groups. Age range triple-jumpers was 18 - 23 years. Results: Our data of individual reactions "tenfold jump from the takeoff 8 steps" allowed to reveal features of metabolic reactions of triple-jumpers athlets organism. In the study of metabolic blood lactate was measured and the length of the jump. The data showed that the lactate level was ranging from 3.58 mmol / L-1 to 9.37 mmol / L-1. Long jump best result was 23 m 30 cm it had two triple-jumpers athletes, but with different metabolic reaction of 4.47 mmol / L-1 and 6.90 mmol / L-1, respectively. These data indicate that one of the athletes had accelerated resynthesis speed of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), so the takeoff ground speed was more powerful. Analysis of individual reactions on a series of control jumps allowed us due to metabolic and functional parameters and in the quiescence and during recovery detect metabolic features of reactions athletes jumpers to identify possible ways of correction of metabolism and leading features for the enhancement of special working capacity in the preparatory period. In further studies is planned to monitor the metabolic and functional status at various stages of preparation of triple-jumpers athletes.

Keywords: sports, physical capacity, blood, metabolism

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