ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 44 of 59
JMBS 2016, 1(1): 211–216
Physical training and Sport

Features Morphological and Anthropometric Parameters of Female Students of Special Medical Group with Low Growth

Bugaevskiy Konstantine A.

Among the current students are marked differences in anthropometric parameters and values of specific indices. Relevance of the study due to the absence of relevant data on these indicators change in students with low growth, which belong to special medical group. Purpose is to identify and analysis of the index and anthropometric values. The low growth for many years, women traditionally considered as a risk factor for obstetric and perinatal pathology, mainly in the context of the imbalance of the pelvis of the mother and the fetal head, associated trauma, hypoxic complications. In domestic classification approaches to assess the degree of perinatal risk threshold height is 155 cm in foreign – 157 cm (according to the Institute of Medicine Criteria), which generally does not bear contradictions as common headings body length refers to the low growth of women 150-158 cm, with fluctuations of this indicator, depending on race and ethnic groups. So special importance of health research students as a special social group with a high risk of functional disorders of the body. Investigation of college-age young people necessary for timely measures of healthy and have great social significance. Young girls students are the future mothers, which depends on the health of future generations to come. In the study we have available scientific literature on the subject has been found sufficient amount of research devoted to the study of individual anatomical variability of the female body in youth and adulthood and the formation of various body systems, during the completion of the skeleton, complete growth of the body, puberty, willingness body to fulfill their reproductive function. Indicators of sexual, physical development (body weight and height, the associated value of special indexes) can be attributed to markers harmonious girls becoming reproductive system (Chernukha EA, 1991, Yakovlev EB, Iron RA, 1999; Nechitailo JM et al., 1999). Analyzing the results of anthropometric indices in the group of students with low stature, received the following indicators: growth in the average value of the entire group is 158,88±0,49 cm. Minimum height in the group was 148 cm, the maximum - 165 cm. Height below average ( 160-162 cm) was found in 53,06% of the "low" students of special medical group. Average growth in this group was 161±0,24sm. The low height (150-159 cm) found in 44,9% of the "low" students. Average growth in this group is 155±1,34sm. Very low height (140-149 cm) was recorded at 2,04% of the "low" students. Average growth is 145sm. During the investigation it was reliably established that somo asthenic type detected in 28,57% of students, normostenic somo type – 24,49% and hypersthenic somo type – 46,94% of students. The girls of low growth index is defined as sexual dimorphism (ISD) by J. Tanner (1968, modification Sharaykinoyi EP, 2005) to determine the sex they somato type. Hinekomorfphic type was identified in 89,8% of students, mesomorphic type was set at 8,16% of students. And only 2,04% was determined andromorphic type of sexual somato type. Indicators index values relative width of the pelvis (ISHT) (Hrysanfova YE.N., Perevozchikova IV, 1991) in the whole group sklav15,61±0,13 cm. The value of the entire sample of students at a value narrow pelvis. In addition, a group of students with low height index determined by us andromorphic. It obtained the following value: corresponding to 53,06% of type hyperhynoyid students, ortohynoyid type – at 20,41% android type – 26,53% of students. Summarizing the research material, we can say that the study group of students of special medical group with low growth (body length) recorded significantly and anthropometric significant morphological changes. Prospects for further research is to determine changes in the menstrual cycle and the size and value of large bone of the pelvis in this group of students.

Keywords: female students, anthropometry, low growth, indexes, reproductive health, special medical group

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