ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 43 of 59
JMBS 2016, 1(1): 207–210
Physical training and Sport

Verbal and Visual Methods in Sportsmen Theoretical Training

Briskin Yuriy, Pityn Maryan

According to the regularities of the educational and training process in sport is actual the sequence on which are formed knowledges and ideas that are implemented by theoretical training and further on their basis are formed abilities and skills. Theoretical knowledge obtained at different stages of long-term training, belong to the system of sportsmen values, form the prerequisites for successful establishment and maintenance of sportsmanship and harmonious development of personality. Aim of the research: to justify the value and content of verbal and visual methods in sportsmen theoretical training. Results. Theoretical training methods are defined by the presence of objective and subjective parts. The first of these is determined by constants that are available if one of the defined methods is used and regardless of personal characteristics of the subject of knowledge transfer (coach). They can enroll amount, circumstantiality, informative, scientific of the knowledges, features of sportsmen contingent and others. Other (subjective) part of method is identified with features of the organization of the knowledge transfer that are resulting from the features of the subject (coach), specific conditions which allow to reveal personal creativity, individual approach, etc. So are defined groups and separate methods of theoretical training. Group of verbal methods include those methods that that directly affect the theoretical training of sportsmen (lecture, explanation, story, conversation) and those that indirectly affect (exclamation, hint, indication, remind, etc.). This conventional division is related with objective factors (duration, circumstantiality, information, etc.) and abilities of certain methods to influence on perception and awareness of information by sportsmen. Visual methods of theoretical training are related with the totality of actions, techniques and the means by which sportsmen creates a visual image of an object or phenomenon which is studied and form a concrete idea about it. We agree with most experts that define two main types of display: demonstration and illustration. The feature of first method is the absence of dynamicity of the content part. This is achieved by such means as: images, posters, charts, tables, conditional models, models, drawings, etc. The use of the illustrating method gives additional professionally oriented load for the subject of knowledge formation (coach). Are defined main methodological requirements for verbal and visual methods in sportsmen theoretical training, including: - scientifically based information material selection and assessment of its effective significance; - logical consistency and verification of knowledge that ensures systematic perception and awareness; - consideration of the sportsmen individual features for the gradual complication of presentation and content of the material by coach on consecutive stages of long-term sportsmen training; - accordance of the tempo, explanations of the elements, its speed and used means of demonstration of objects or phenomena; - accordance of means, methodic, elements of structure and content of the training sessions (or its part) and content of knowledge systems of sportsmen at defined stage of long-term training.

Keywords: methods, verbal, visual, theoretical training, sportsmen

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