ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 28 of 59
JMBS 2016, 1(1): 130–134

The Relationship between the Indices of Systemic Hemodynamic in Children 8-12 Years of Age with a Violation of Motor Activity of Сcentral Origin

Golovchenko I.V., Gaidai M. I.

It is revealed that the studied parameters of central hemodynamic in children 8-12 years of age with a violation of motor activity of central origin, while maintaining the features inherent in the age differences are probably due to disease. Analysis of the ECG data shows that the indicators of the functional characteristics of the heart in children of the main group are different from those of the control group children. The average heart rate of children in the main group is higher than in children of control group. It is revealed that the HR of boys and girls with impaired motor activity significantly higher than that of boys and girls in the control group. It was found that the duration of the cardiac cycle of children of the basic group statistically significantly less than children in the control group. The QRS complex (depolarization of ventricles) in children with violation of motor activity higher than the control group children. In children of the main group significantly more than the interval Q-T. Children with violation of motor activity of Central origin have a greater duration of the cardiac cycle and the period of depolarization of the ventricles, probably due to lower sensitivity to sympathetic influences, and a certain rigidity of the neurohumoral regulation. It was found that the parameters of blood pressure in the majority of children of the main group different from the age norm. The figures SAT in boys and girls with impaired motor activity higher than that of boys and girls in the control group. The indices of diastolic arterial pressure in children of the main group higher than the control group children. It is established that between the indices of systemic hemodynamic statistically significant correlations. In the main group only found 3 (2 positive and 1 negative) relationships between the studied parameters, whereas in the control group of such relations 7 (4 positive and 3 negative). In the subgroup of boys is recorded: in the main group 3 reliable bunch (2 positive and 1 negative); in the control group 5 connections (2 positive and 3 negative). Accordingly, in the subgroup of girls in the main group - 7 (4 positive and 3 negative); in the control group 3 statistically significant relationships (2 positive and 1 negative). So, the features of systemic hemodynamic of children 8-12 years of age with impaired motor activity are within age norms, although they have features and sex differences.

Keywords: electrocardiogram, correlation, heart rate, blood pressure, motor activity

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