ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 29 of 45
УЖМБС 2018, 3(3): 158–162
Medical rehabilitation

Dynamics of Clinical and Clinical-Laboratory Indices in Children after Solid Tumors Treatment at the Administration of General Complex of Rehabilitation and Complexes with Additional Use of Mineral Water

Shapovalova A. A., Babov K. D.

The purpose of the study was to analyze the dynamics of clinical and clinical-laboratory indices in children after solid tumors treatment at the administration of general rehabilitation complex and complexes with the additional appointment of mineral waters. Material and methods. It was found out that there was a general tendency of the sick children improvement. This result was especially pronounced with the additional use of mineral water "Voznesenskaya" or "Truskavetska Akva-Eco" in comparison with the general rehabilitation complex. The algorithm for examining children with solid tumors at the stage of rehabilitation in a sanatorium for children accompanied by parents (the V.P. Chkalov sanatorium, Odessa) included a general clinical examination (anamnesis of the disease, presence of concomitant pathology, complaints, clinical examination) and laboratory tests (general blood test). The determination of nonspecific body adaptive reactions and leukocyte index of intoxication was carried out according to research results of O. Tatkov and V. Ostrovskii. The general rehabilitation complex included a spontaneous motor regimen; climatotherapy; dietary nutrition; medical physical education by methods in special medical groups for children with various somatic diseases; singlet-oxygen cocktail; baby phytochea (cholosas with ascorbic acid); programs of psychological help to sick children and their parents. Results and discussion. There occured significant changes at different levels (P <0,05, P <0,01) of all symptomatic complexes without exception. This was especially true of a significant decrease (P <0.01) in dizziness, headache, irritability in asthenic syndrome; disappearance (intestines) or significant (P <0.01) pain reduction in the right hypochondrium and epigastric region; minimization of dyspeptic syndrome (worsening of appetite, bitterness, nausea, constipation, diarrhea). Conclusions. The results of studying the dynamics of nonspecific adaptive body reactions indicate that an additional usage of mineral waters causes a significant increase in the percentage of children with adaptation reactions of training and quiet activation, a decrease in the reactions of increased activation; the disappearance of stress reactions and excessive activation.

Keywords: children, solid tumors, sanatorium-and-spa rehabilitation, mineral waters, clinical symptoms, adaptation reactions

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