ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 7 of 43
УЖМБС 2017, 2(2): 44–48
Experimental Medicine

The Use of Differential Diagnostics of Skin Development of Bartonellosis (Peru Wart) in Modern Clinical and Lab Practice

Pokhyl S. I.1, Torianyk I. I.1, Tymchenko O. M.1, Chyhyrinska N. A.1, Kostyria I. A.1, Kruhlova T. A.1, Danylchenko S. I.2

Polymorphism of skin manifestations of bartonellosis (Bartonella anemia), their strange and mixed structural similarity with Human papilloma virus cause fatal mistakes and falsification in disease diagnostics. The last fact initiates to develop final schemes of aggressive therapy (radiation, chemotherapy), that cause not only deep disability of patients but also lethal end. Expert clinical and lab measures explain this fact. In order to optimize differential and diagnostic potential of clinical and lab diagnostics of skin manifestations of bartonellosis (Bartonella anemia) as dangerous emergent infectious disease such kind of examination was done. In last time haemoparasitе human disease have a very important role in differential diagnostics casualty of modern medicine. They are determined by the complexity of the life cycle of the pathogen, which parasite as in organism of arthropods such as in vertebrates hosts. The complexity is enhanced by the diversity of hosts in different biotopes, which depends on factors life type of vegetation, climate and/or human influence, such as restoration of former industrial sites, which leads to the development of new biotopes. So, on the one hand, new habitats for plants and animals including mosquito, and nature are created. One of them is an appearance of transmission disease- bartonellosis, that first reported as a cause of human sickness was in last century in northeastern of Peru, later in the north of Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazilia. Several hundred cases are now reported from this region each season. The disease is characterized by two type: Oroya fever and Peru wart. Other consequential symptoms are weakness, headaches, acute pain in one joint, wart appearance in place of location mosquito (Phlebotomus verrucarum and Phlebotomus noguchii) damages and chronic sings, which may persist for long-lasting period. Morphologically Peru wart formation is connected by the injury of the blood vessels endothelium stratum and primary reproduction of Bartonella. This fact helps to organize purple and red eruption, which may reduce vascular tumor. They are very much alike and typical wart, that it is important for the objective differential diagnostic with the viral diseases (Human papilloma virus). That is why it is necessary to apply low medical examination of accessory virus methods for the effective causal diagnostics of human bartonellosis. Differential diagnostics of skin manifestations of bartonellosis (Bartonella anemia (fever)) must be considered as complex character. Clinical and lab algorithm should be oriented on connection both etiopathogenetic methods of examination and ways of definition of symptomatic changes in target organs and tissues of an organism (IFT, cultural, molecular and biological).

Keywords: differential diagnostic, bartonellosis, skin sings/symptoms, Peru wart, clinical and laboratory practice

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