ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 42 of 43
УЖМБС 2017, 2(2): 252–257

Growth and Development of Female F0 and Male F1 Rats and Metabolic Processes in their Blood under the Influence of Citric Acid

Khrabko M. I.1, Tesarivska U. I.2, Dolaichuk O. P.1, Tsap M. M.1, Farion O. V.2

Citrates have a high biological activity and are not toxic. It is known that the citric acid has a positive effect on the functioning of physiological systems such as stimulates metabolism and work of the pancreas, increases appetite and promotes better digestion. Literary sources point to the positive impact of the citric acid on the growth and development of the organism and hematological parameters of young animals, the synthesis of gastric juice. Addition of citric acid to the diet has positive regulatory effects on energetic, fat, carbohydrate and mineral metabolism. These properties of citric acid allow using its compounds to study the effect of macro- and micronutrients on animal’s organism. However, it was found only a few studies to clarify the mechanisms of influence on the organisms’ namely citric acid, despite its widespread use in many areas. Research conducted on white laboratory female-rats, they were formed into 2 groups, aged 2-2.5 months and their male offsprings. Animals of the first group control were fed with granular feed and water without restriction during the whole period of research. Female of the second (research) group were fed with granular feed and water with addition citric acid (С6Н8О7×Н2О) in an amount of 0.8 mg / kg of body weight. Watering female F0 and males rats F1 of experimental groups with citric acid lasted 30-40 days before female fertilization, during their pregnancy and lactation and finished when males achieved 2 months of age. Watering female rats F0 with citric acid indicates a pronounced effect on the intensity of their growth during 20-50 days of researches compared to the control group. Evaluation of the viability of infant rats F1 according to the intensity of changes of their body weight during the 27 days, indicates minor differences of this index in rats research and control groups on the 1st day after birth and growth this differences on the 7, 14 and 27 days of their age. Ascertained increasing of body weight offspring on the 7th day, could be caused by direct stimulation influence of the citric acid on females lactation or its anabolic effects on the infant rats organisms by transforming its metabolites into the milk which offspring fed during this period. Independent plant food intake and water which contain citric acid, increased growth of infant male rats of experimental group compared to the control period on 14-27 days of their age by 13%. In the blood of male of the second group in 2-months of age there was a tendency to decrease, but not significantly, the number of white blood cells, lymphocytes, red blood cells, platelets and hematocrit rate, compared with the similar indicators in the animals of control group. Also in the rats blood of second group hemoglobin level was lower by 19.4% (P <0.05) compared to control. The ratio between lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes in infant rats’ blood of the research group was directed toward increasing blood monocytes and granulocytes by reducing lymphocytes, but without the significant differences. The results of hematological and biochemical studies indicate a pronounced effect of citric acid on the course physiological and biochemical processes in animals with increased content of total protein and triacylglycerols against a background of decreasing levels of hemoglobin and creatinine. It is noted decrease in male rats’ blood levels of immuneglobulins and average weight molecules. It is shown the higher immunophysiological response of the animals’ research group, as evidenced by the increasing content of glycoproteins and their monosaccharides in the blood. The significant increase in weight ratios of spleen and testis of male rats F1 indicates the stimulating effect of citric acid on the growth and development of these organs in first 2 months of postnatal ontogeny that can cause the higher activity of the immune and reproductive function.

Keywords: citric acid, rats, body, blood

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