ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 41 of 43
УЖМБС 2017, 2(2): 246–251

Physical Development of Offspring Rats which were Born during Chronic Tobacco Intoxication of their Parents

Tkachenko V. M.1, Komisova T. Ye.2

Nowadays in the world smoking is considered to be not only as a risk factor for developing several diseases of the true smokers but also as a factor of harmful effects on people and especially on children. It is to be stressed the negative impact of nicotine on pregnancy and fetal development. The aim of the research is find out the impact of chronic tobacco intoxication on postnatal development of offspring rats. Materials and methods. The model of dependence on the effects of chronic smoke was created by using the closed interzone volume of 27 liters. The study was conducted on 137 rats (40 female-mothers, 15 male-fathers, 82 female-offsprings) of Wistar line. 5 groups were formed during the copulation: C - control (intact); PB - inhalation of tobacco was subjected only on male-fathers by cigarettes “Pryluky”; PMB - inhalation of males and females, future fathers and mothers by cigarettes “Pryluky”; UK was inhaled only of male-parents by cigarettes “Vatra”; VMB – was inhaled of males and females, future fathers and mothers by cigarettes “Vatra.” During the experiment cigarettes of brand “Pryluky” were used which contain 0.6 mg of nicotine and 12 mg of tar and cigarettes “Vatra” (without filter) containing 0.8 mg of nicotine and 15 mg of tar. The experiment lasted during 5 months. 51fumigations were used during the study. The presence of tobacco intoxication of rats was determined by spectrophotometric method by the number of the main metabolite of nicotine in blood serum - thiocyanate K (cotinine) (G Giraud, C Grillo). Survival index was calculated to assess the state of postnatal development of offsprings of each control and experimental groups. The offsprings of both sexes in the postnatal period were studied physical development for the onset of the detachment of ear; the appearance of hair and the opening of eyes. Results of research. Results demonstrated that in animals of control group offsprings were born alive on the 21st-23rd day that corresponds to literature. Dead-born or born with defects among offsprings of control group were not observed. The animal parents who were subjected chronic toxicity of tobacco light cigarettes “Pryluky”, offsprings were born alive on the 24th -25th days. However, it should be noted that one female of PMB group born 10 dead rats (4 ♂, ♀ 6), so the survival index in this group is the lowest and statistically significantly different from the control one. In groups PB, VB, VMB the survival index of rats does not differ from the control group. Further observations on postnatal development of rats demonstrated that rats of one female-mother of VMB group began to die (1-2 a day) on the 21st day, and it was noted the difficulties of breathing, the violation of hair structure. The results of research of physical development demonstrate that offspring rats born in terms of parental smoking have the detachment of ear, the appearance of hair, the opening of eyes (except PB group) in an earlier period, compared with the control group. Conclusions. The decrease of dates of physical development of rat offsprings of experimental groups is determined with the control one which may be the evidence of a impairment of metabolism under the influence of nicotine intoxication which they are subjected to in utero while the there is fumigation of parents. Prospects of future investigation. In a further investigation it is planned to study the remote effects of parental smoking on reactivity and their descendants’ resistance to the action of components of tobacco smoking.

Keywords: Tobacco Intoxication, physical development of descendants, survival index

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