ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
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УЖМБС 2017, 2(2): 239–245

Transport of Water and Electrolytes through Epithelium of Colon and Expression CFTCR of Canals in Rats after 28-day Intake of Omeprazole

Pylypenko S.

Materials and methods. Examinations were done on white nonlinear rats with initial body weight 160-180 gr. They were divided into two groups. Each group contained 12 animals in each one. Control group presents rats of the first group and they were taken intraperitoneally 0,5 ml water for injection during 28 days. Omeprazole (Sigma-Aldrich” USA) was taken by rats of the second group intraperitoneally once a day during 28 days. The dosage was 14 mg/kg, and it was dissolved in 0,2 ml of water for injections. Water transport examination through epithelium of colon was done by perfusion of isolated region of intestine in rats of the first and the second groups in vivo under urethane anesthesia with unabsorbed marker such as phenol red (n=12). Concentration of ions CI- in perfusate was measured on ionomer with ion-selective chloride electrode. Concentration measurement Na+ and K+ was done by flame-photometric analyzer of liquids that determines ions concentration by intensity of color dying of flame of liquid burning. Expression of protein CFTR was determined by Western blotting technique in rats of the first and the second groups (n=12). Results. It was determined that in rats of control group water, ions and chloride absorption was done based on potassium secretion that is normal physiological process in colon and corresponds to data of literature of unabsorption in colon without pathological changes. Group of animals who received omeprazole during 28 days water absorption through epithelium of colon decreased on 44,1% (р <0,001) in comparison with control one. Total volume Na+ through epithelium of colon also was lower of control index on 53,3% (p<0,001). Total volume K+ through epithelium of colon changed its direction in absorption and contained 0,46;(–0,46…1,50) mcM\g *min so absorption increased on 100% (p<0,001) (picture 3.13) in comparison with control one. The level of absorption Cl– through epithelium of colon was higher in comparison with control indices on 32,7% (p<0,05). It was determined that the level of СFTR protein in the mucous membrane of colon of rats after 28 day of omeprazole intake increased in 4 times in comparison with control group of rats. It is known hypoacidity of gastric juice causes dysbacteriosis development in all biotopes of digestive tract and also of colon. Products of metabolism of conditionally pathogenic of flora (indole, skatole, hydrogen sulphide and others) and toxins decrease detoxification function of liver, inhibit vermicular movement and cause the development of dyspeptic syndrome. These phenomena cause mucus congestion and content in intestine in cavity and also assist in penetration of pathogenic microflora in solid phase of mucous membrane. It also assists in reducing of motor activity of colon which was observed by us due to long-lasting hypoacidity of gastric juice which was caused omeprazole. It has been established increase of the level of CFTR protein is associated with increase of cell proliferation in ones of crypt of mucous membrane of colon in long-lasting hypergastrinemia. It is confirmed by morphological examinations of mucous membrane of colon. Examinations of morphological indices in this group determined the signs of mild dysplasia that was manifested in statistically accurate increase of mucous membrane and the depth of crypts. But, increase of expression of СFTR canals as a consequence increase of water secretion and it can be a result of compensatory response of an organism on рН, increase which can be observed due to long-lasting omeprazole. So, secretion of chloride and mucus is the main mechanism of homeostasis of enterocytes and creates protective barrier of mucous membrane of intestine. In such way there is an activation of protective mechanisms which include the increase of expression of CFTR canals, increase of water and mucus secretion to provide expulsion of pathogenic microflora from mucous membrane of colon and removal from the cavity. Conclusions. 28-day intake of omeprazole caused water absorption through epithelium of colon in comparison with control group decreased on 44,1% (р <0,001), total volume Na+ through epithelium of colon (segmented intestine) decreased on 53,3% (p<0,001), total volume K+ through epithelium of colon changed its direction into absorption and it increased in 2 times. The level of Cl– absorption through epithelium of colon was larger in comparison with control indices on 32,7% (p<0,05). The level of СFTR protein in mucous membrane of colon of rats after 28-day intake of omeprazole increased in 4 times in comparison with control group of rats. The decrease of contractile activity of smooth muscles of colon and reduction of its motor activity based on long-lasting hypergastrinemia is accompanied with inclusion of protective mechanisms which include expression intensification of CFTR canals and increase of water secretion. Prospects for further research deal with examination of water and electrolytes transport through epithelium of colon and expression CFTR canals in rats after simultaneous intake of omeprazole and multiprobiotics Symbiter® during 28 days.

Keywords: hypochlorhydria, hypergastrinemia, dysbacteriosis, СFTR canals, motor activity

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