ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 28 of 43
УЖМБС 2017, 2(2): 168–171
Medicine. Reviews

The Importance of Breathing Exercises during Physical Rehabilitation for People with Hearing Disorder

Karpukhina Yu.

Approximately, in world 278 million people suffer from mild or severe hearing loss. The aim of the research is to analyze and srudy the use of different breathing exercises during physical rehabilitation in people who suffer from hearing impairment. Results. General pathology may cause secondary changes in the functioning of other systems. Recently researchers have found that hearing loss in children is accompanied with disharmonious physical development. There is a close functional interreletation between hearing, speech and motor function of the system. Speech requires developed respiratory system and, for its part, contributes to its development. Muteness also affects the respiratory system operation analysis of scientific literature has shown that people with hearing disabilities have low levels of functional respiratory reserve such as significantly lower lung capacity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC) and maximum volume during exhalation costs compared to analog hearing impaired, we found that all spirometry parameters are generally lower in deaf children in all age groups studied and regardless of sex compared to their hearing peers. The results determined that in deaf children sensory deprivation affects the functionality of the respiratory system. The results indicate the necessity for compulsory exercises breathing during physical rehabilitation in this group of people. It was proposed a program of physical rehabilitation for people with disabilities, and it was also used special breathing exercise, which were divided into 4 stages of exercises and special breathing exercises. Breathing exercises with the proclamation of linguistic material, active breathing exercises in coordination of movements, outdoor game with elements of gymnastics respiratory-verbal were proposed. Conclusion. An analysis of methodical literature determined the number of peculiarities of respiratory system in people of different age with hearing disorders and it indicates the necessity to apply obligatory and important breathing exercises during rehabilitation Prospects for further research. There is a necessity to develop and create complex programs for physical rehabilitation for children of different age group with hearing disorders and also peculiarities of respiratory system development should be considered.

Keywords: auditory deprivation, impaired hearing, functional breathing, lung capacity, physical rehabilitation

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