ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 6 of 59
УЖМБС 2020, 5(5): 53–59
Experimental Medicine and Morphology

Dynamics of Mitochondrial Transmembrane Potential Changes in Blood Monocytes in Conditions of Development and Course of Experimental Periodontitis and the Effect of Korvityn on it

Demkovych A. Ye., Machogan V. R.

Inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues remain one of the most complex and unresolved problems of modern dentistry. The most important internal stimulus for triggering apoptosis is DNA damage in response to various factors (including reactive oxygen species). Mitochondrial transmembrane potential (Δψm) is generated by the electrochemical gradient of protons on both sides of the membrane and is closely related to the functioning of mitochondria, its support is provided by the processes of electron transfer in the respiratory chain. The purpose of our study was to elucidate the pathogenetic role of changes in mitochondrial transmebranic potential in the dynamics of the inflammatory response in experimental bacterial-immune periodontitis and the effects of quercetin (Korvityn) on it. Material and methods. The study was performed on white clinically healthy rats. Experimental bacterial-immune periodontitis in experimental animals was induced by injection of a mixture of microorganisms diluted with egg protein into the tissues of the periodontal complex. Quercetin was administered by intramuscular injection for correction. Evaluation of changes in mitochondrial transmembrane potential of leukocytes was performed by flow cytofluorimetry. Results and discussion. In experimental bacterial-immune periodontitis, the percentage of cells with reduced mitochondrial transmembrane potential among blood monocytes significantly increased. In animals on the 7th day of the study, the number of cells with reduced mitochondrial transmembrane potential among blood monocytes increased significantly compared with the control group. For the next study period (14th day), the number of cells with reduced ∆ψm decreased compared to the 7th day of the experiment. Having analyzed the data of mitochondrial transmembrane potential of blood monocytes on the 30th day of the experiment, we noted that they decreased relative to those obtained on the 14th day of the study, indicating profound oxidative imbalance in cells and destabilization of the mitochondrial membrane. The use of quercetin led to a decrease in the values compared to the data of animals with our simulated pathology on the 14th day, the experiment without the introduction of flavonol, but they remained significantly higher than the control group of animals. Conclusion. Flavonol (Korvityn) quercetin reduced mitochondrial transmembrane potential in experimental bacterial-immune periodontitis, which was evidence by stabilization and attenuation of the inflammatory process

Keywords: periodontitis, monocyte, mitochondrial transmembrane potential, inflammation, flavonol

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