ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 56 of 59
УЖМБС 2020, 5(5): 413–418
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Dynamics of Formation of Sport Skill China Weightlifters Elite Group

Oleshko V. G. 1, TanSung Young 1, Vasilishyn I. P. 2

The paper considers the dynamics and pace of development of sportsmanship of China's strongest weightlifters of the elite group of different sexes by analyzing the age limits and characteristics of training at the main stages of long-term improvement. The age limits for the start of weightlifting classes for boys and girls in China, the age limits in which they became winners of the National Weightlifting Championships, the age limits for these athletes to be among the world leaders in weightlifting in their weight class, the age limits for achieving their best athletic performance in the training stages, and the age limits for ending their athletic careers. The terms of preservation of the highest achievements of Chinese weightlifters of different groups of weight categories and sex during their sports career are given. Results and discussion. The period of entry of Chinese male and female weightlifters into the group of world leaders after participating in national championships begins in men aged 22-23 (on average after 1-2 years), and among women aged 18-21, respectively (on average after 0.5-1 year). The age at which weightlifters of the elite group of different genders maintain high sports results and end their careers were studied. For men, it is in the groups of weight categories at 28-31 years, while for women, respectively, it is 2-3 years less, i.e. at 26-28 years, respectively. If we count the number of years during which weightlifters of different sexes of the elite group of China retain their athletic achievements, then they are: 17-18 years for men, and 15.5-16.5 years for women. The ratio of achievements in the snatch to the clean and jerk (within the amount of total) in weightlifters of the elite group of different groups of weight categories and sex is analyzed to determine the predominant focus of training at the stage of maximum realization of individual capabilities. It is established that the increase in competitive results of male weightlifters of the elite group of China is carried out mainly due to the growth of achievements in the exercise of speed snatch, and female weightlifters, respectively, due to the growth of achievements in strength training – the clean and jerk. The majority of China's elite male weightlifters (44.0%) reach the highest results for a sports career at the age of 20-23 years, and 35.0% of athletes reach them at the age of 24-27 years. The majority of elite athletes in China achieve the highest results at a younger age of 20-23 (60.0%) years, at the age of 16-19 years (27.0%). Conclusion. Different age limits and rates of development of sportsmanship in men and women of China's elite group involves the choice of different approaches to modeling and control of the main characteristics of training at the main stages of long-term improvement

Keywords: dynamics of achievements, weightlifters, age characteristics, elite group, snatch and clean and jerk

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