ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 64 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(4): 464–469
Physical training and Sport. Theoretical and methodical aspects of physical education and sport

Dynamics of General Physical Fitness of Military College Cadets taking into Account the Military Category

Nebozhuk Oleh 1, Fedak Serhiy 1, Malanchuk Halyna 2

Peculiarities of modern combat activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine require from servicemen a high level of physical training and military-applied skills. Thus, there is a need for better training of cadets-future commanders of various ranks for further professional activity. The organization of the educational process has undergone significant changes since the beginning of military operations in our country. Earlier only young civilians entered the Military College, but now contract servicemen also come to study in the college. These changes have led to cadets with different levels of basic military and physical training - civilian youth with a lower level of military and physical training compared to contract servicemen from the first day after joining one training group (unit). These factors, in turn, significantly reduced the effectiveness of the current system of military training, as well as the training process during physical training. Material and methods. The study involved 94 cadets of the Military College, among them 48 cadets from among civilian youth and 46 cadets who were contract servicemen. Testing was performed on well-known exercises that characterize the level of general physical fitness, namely: running for 100 meters, pull-ups on the crossbar, push-ups and running for 3000 meters. Results and discussion. Analysis of the dynamics of the level of general physical fitness of cadets showed that at the beginning of the experiment the results of exercises (pull-ups, push-ups and running for 3000 meters) in the first control group were significantly higher compared to the second control group (t=2.50-2.66 p <0.05). In addition, at the end of the experiment the results of strength and endurance exercises in the second control group were significantly worse than the first group (t = 2.27-2.87; p <0.05-0.01). Conclusions. The study results showed that at all stages of the experiment, the level of general physical fitness of cadets (contract servicemen) were worse than cadets from civilian youth. Moreover, both groups showed positive dynamics of indicators of general physical fitness, but there was no significant difference indicating the lack of effectiveness of the current physical training program, regardless of the category of cadets.

Keywords: physical training, cadet, serviceman, military college

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