ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 56 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(4): 406–413
Physical training and Sport. Reviews

Theoretical Analysis of Problems and Prospective Directions of Teaching Swimming in Student Youth

Hluhov I. 1, Pityn M. 2, Drobot К. 1, Abramov K. 3

Today there is a great number of authors' approaches to teaching and training swimming as well as to solving a number of scientific and practical tasks of this process. But they are partial in nature and relate to individual tasks of this process. They are aimed at general approaches, leading and accelerated swimming training; techniques for overcoming the fear of water, the use of outdoor games, the variability of swimming training facilities, certain aspects of the organization of swimming training in the physical education of students. This actualizes the need for a theoretical analysis of the problems and relevant areas of teaching students swimming. The purpose of the study was to summarize theoretical and empirical data on problems and relevant areas of training students in swimming in physical education in higher education institutions. Material and methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological sources and information from the Internet; system analysis; historical and logical methods; analysis, synthesis and modeling. Results and discussion. Generalization of the available theoretical and methodological information gives grounds to highlight the problematic field related to the updated structure of future specialists’ competencies in different fields of activity, unsatisfactory health level of modern student youth, high applied value of swimming, volume reduction of physical education in higher education institutions based on an underestimation of the swimming means efficiency, lack of quality in organizational and methodological support for this process, variability of target units and students’ motivation factors, needs of practical swimming skills in the structure harmoniously developed personality, needs to maintain an optimal level of physical activity. Conclusion. The study showed an acute scientific and applied problem of modern physical education in higher education institutions to substantiate a systematic approach of students swimming training, which takes into account the existing experience and current requirements, the nature and objectivity of the criteria for this process ensuring.

Keywords: generalization, content, information, methodic, research

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