ISSN 2415-3060 (print), ISSN 2522-4972 (online)
  • 24 of 67
УЖМБС 2020, 5(4): 182–188
Clinical Medicine

Determination of reference values of energy parameters of circulation

Mykhnevych K. G., Volkova Yu. V., Baranova N. V., Boiko O. V.

The energy supply of tissues necessary for life support is carried out by transporting of the carrier of potential chemical energy (oxygen) from the atmosphere. This process involves the circulatory system, which also needs energy and, therefore, oxygen, so the energy supply of the body has an energy price. The main kinetic parameter of circulatory system is the cardiac output, the same level of which can be provided at different energy costs (at different oxygen prices). Thus, the consideration of energy circulation is necessary for a full assessment of the circulatory system in different types of its failure, but it is first necessary to determine the reference limits fluctuations of the energy parameters of circulation, which was the purpose of this study. To study the energy of circulation we developed a number of parameters, for the calculation of which it is necessary to determine the mechanical (kinetic and dynamic) parameters of circulation and account for the hemic link of oxygen transport. The measured kinetic parameters include systolic volume, ejection fraction, heart rate, cardiac output and their corresponding indices (stroke and cardiac). Dynamic parameters are system perfusion pressure and total peripheral vascular resistance with its index – specific peripheral vascular resistance. The oxygen content in the blood, its transport and consumption were calculated based on generally accepted hemic indicators. Based on these parameters, reference limits of fluctuations in the energy parameters of circulation were determined: flow power, tissue power consumption, oxygen transport and consumption pressure, oxygen reserve and circulatory reserve. Flow power, tissue power consumption and circulatory reserve were normalized to the surface square of the body to obtain the corresponding indices (IFP, ITPC, ICR). Flow power is the useful power of the myocardium. Tissue power consumption is the rate of energy consumption by tissues. Oxygen transport pressure reflects the energy spent on moving oxygen through the vascular system. The lower the oxygen transport pressure, the more energy is spent on delivering oxygen and less is spent on meeting other transport needs, which can be observed in cases of circulatory insufficiency. High oxygen transport pressure is associated either a decrease in the oxygen content in the blood or arterial hypertension, which increases the energy consumption for blood circulation. Everything that concerns oxygen transport pressure applies to oxygen consumption pressure, but it is related to the rate of oxygen consumption by tissues. The adequacy of oxygen consumption by tissues to their needs is reflected by oxygen reserve. A low oxygen reserve indicates that the supply of oxygen to tissues does not correspond to their needs; a high oxygen reserve may indicate that the increased oxygen needs of tissues are adequately met. Circulatory reserve is the integral energy parameter. Its decrease is observed when there is a circulatory failure. Conclusion. We determined the energy indicators of circulation by mechanical parameters in healthy individuals at the state of rest. The energy budget of tissues was practically independent of energy indicators of circulation, which can be explained by the low compensation intensity.

Keywords: energy of circulation, oxygen transport, blood flow power

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